AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 13


In a 'Connected' Health
Care System, Why Does
Your Rehab Department
Feel So Disconnected?
Korey J. Sixbury, President, LSI


here's constant
discussion about how
"connected" health
care systems are
across departments
and amongst facilities. Hospitals
are spending more than ever on
information systems, EHR data
management systems, security,
compliance, IT infrastructure, and
the employees and contractors
who implement and support this
vast array of IT-related services.
However, this large-scale approach
to IT has not been spread evenly,
nor is it trickling down to all
departments as one might think.
I've spent a great deal of time
discussing why cardiac and
pulmonary rehab departments feel
so separated, or even completely
left behind, from their parent
hospital's IT initiatives. Through
years of conversations with clinical
and IT professionals, I feel the
following are the three main culprits:
1. No Priority for Rehab
Departments. Rehabs are often
treated as out of sight, out of
mind. I can't tell you how difficult
it is for LSI to explain the cardiac
rehab patient-care process to
IT departments as they try to
force a one-size fits all EHR

solution on the rehab staff that
doesn't meet the needs of the
2. Lack of Support for
Equipment. Most times when a
clinician has a technology need,
they hear "that's IT's problem"
or "biomed should fix it."
Meanwhile the rehab department
suffers, as the hospital-owned
equipment does not have an
internal support plan. This often
results in the clinician calling their
vendor for help when the issue
could easily be resolved by the
IT department.
3. The "Capital Equipment"
Model. This antiquated
approach is probably the single
largest influencer of why rehab
departments are left behind in
the connectivity of the health
care system. Hospitals budget
and engage in Software as a
Service-based models for most
system-wide solutions ranging
from the EHR system, to the
phone system and even down
to the copy machine. Hospitals
fail to treat patient monitoring
systems in the same regard,
which forces clinicians to use
technology that is often out-ofdate and difficult to support.

So, how can you get your
department the technology support
it needs? How do you ensure there
is collaboration so you don't find
yourself with outdated equipment
and documentation while purchasing
still feels the system is "new"?
1. Be proactive. Don't wait until
your equipment fails. Consider
your department's needs, learn
the basics of IT, and start a highlevel discussion of your IT needs.
2. Chose the right partner.
You may not equate patient
monitoring providers and IT
partners as the same, but you
should! The right partner will be
able to provide the solutions you
need and suggest enhancements
to your patient-care process.
3. Don't shy away from your
IT department. Stop shying
away from contacting your IT
department when you have
needs. Don't forget you are your
IT department's customer!
If you are ready to start the
conversation and learn the difference
between a hardware warranty and
service-level agreement for software,
call 800-846-1279 or stop by the
LSI booth (#301) at the AACVPR
Annual Meeting to meet our team. 

News&Views SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 13


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017

AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 1
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 2
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - Contents
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 4
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 5
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 6
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 7
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 8
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 9
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 10
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 11
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 12
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 13
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 14
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 15
AACVPR News & Views - September/October 2017 - 16