Select Journal - First Quarter 2013 - (Page 36)
Oracle ACE
The Oracle ACE program recognizes excellence in the Oracle
technology and applications communities, and rewards
individuals who generously share their technical knowledge
and experiences. Learn more about the Oracle ACE Program.
Interview with an Oracle ACE:
Gokhan Atil
IOUG: Has your status as an Oracle ACE helped you in your career?
Atil: Oracle ACE is definitely a respected title. After becoming an Oracle ACE,
more people started to recognize me in the Oracle community. I think it’s early
to evaluate how it affected to my career, though, because it has been only a
one-year adventure for me.
IOUG: What Oracle technology/application are you most looking
forward to?
Atil: I’m eager to test the new features of Oracle Database 12c. It seems it will
come with very handy features such as adaptive execution plans, pluggable
databases, improvements on partitioning, identity columns, etc.
IOUG: When did you become an Oracle ACE?
Atil: I became an Oracle ACE in September 2011.
IOUG: What is your current occupation?
Atil: I’m a senior database administrator, working in one of the leading IT
consultancy companies in Turkey.
IOUG: Tell us a little about your history with Oracle.
Atil: I have been working with Oracle technologies for more than 10 years.
I started my career as a software developer, worked with different programming
languages and technologies such as Delphi, Visual Basic, PHP and Oracle
Forms. After spending a few years with developing software, I realized that
I like to work with database technologies, and then I focused on Oracle
databases. I feel lucky because I really love my job. So I spend my time on
studying, reading about Oracle technologies, sharing my knowledge on my
blog, and speaking at local conferences. All these activities make me happy
and helped me to receive the Oracle ACE award in 2011.
IOUG: What does this experience mean for you personally and
Atil: I have a blog where I share my knowledge and experience related to
Oracle technologies. I have also been attending Oracle events as a speaker and
am helping Oracle users via email by replying to their questions. I wouldn’t
call myself an Oracle expert or a community leader, but I enjoy researching,
writing and sharing Oracle technologies. The Oracle ACE award was very
important in order to show that my efforts are recognized by Oracle. I didn’t
plan to be an Oracle ACE, and didn’t see it as a career goal, but it’s surely a
milestone in my career.
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IOUG: Do you have any advice for novices in this industry?
Atil: The IT industry is constantly evolving and changing, but we have
significant opportunities to adapt to this evolution. It’s easy to reach valuable
information through the Internet, and the Oracle community likes to share
its knowledge. Of course, these can be also handicaps because they create
endless competion. If you don’t want to adopt new technologies, you stay out
of the competition.
So my only advice for novices is that they should spend time on improving
themselves. They will see that their personal return of investment is higher
than anything else. You may ask how they can do it. They should join Oracle
events, follow the publications, read blogs and write blogs (you learn while
you share), and, lastly (but maybe the most important one) they should
become an active member of user groups.
IOUG: Now that you’re an Oracle ACE, what’s next?
Atil: One of my goals is to become an Oracle ACE Director.
IOUG: Do you have any advice for IOUG members for their own
Atil: Well, I think I already answered this question. IOUG members are
one step ahead because they are already a part of one of the biggest
Oracle user group!
IOUG: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Atil: I would like to thank IOUG and the SELECT Journal editors for including
my Oracle ACE profile in this issue.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Select Journal - First Quarter 2013
Select Journal - First Quarter 2013
Table of Contents
From the Editor
From the IOUG President
Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control: What’s Changed, What’s New
Introduction to Oracle Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface
Users Group Calendar
Retrieving Large Volumes of Data
A Multilayered Approach to Oracle Database Availability
Advertisers’ Index
Ask an Oracle ACE
Select Journal - First Quarter 2013