Visions - Spring 2020 - 11
somewhat of a negative connotation.
When I show up for a site visit, I am
just simply there to take a look at the
operation from a HSE perspective. I
look for the positive signs of a healthy
HSE program - is there anything that
is identifiable as a best practice that
I can share with other locations that
have the same challenge? On the
other hand, maybe I have learned from other companies something that I can give freely to that location. Therefore, it is not aggressive or intrusive at all, the way some perceive it beforehand.
It is more a situation where we try to advise and to assist.
Everybody ends up winning in the end. Many executives and most
management understand the value in a strong HSE program, but
do not always understand the process to make it happen. Sometimes the response is, "Ok, you fixed something, are we done
now?" which is counter to our concept of continual improvement.
You're never really finished. You need to continually review your
HSE programs, learn from incidents and successes, and enhance
your policies, procedures, and training as the business needs
change and grow.
VISIONS: It's not just a date. It's a relationship.
Do you agree, Tonya?
Tonya Zepeda: I do. Now they are starting to understand that,
okay, this does not just go away or just get finished. This is
something we will always have to work at as a company and
continually improve. Initially, it was difficult to get everyone to fully
understand that there really isn't a finish line, but with all of the
training and culture building it has started to be clear. In addition,
of course, with our rotational base, by the time we have trained
and coached someone, we have a new person coming to replace
that person. Therefore, our job continues to be to ensure that they
understand and are familiar with what we do, how we are going
to do it and what role they play in it. Because you see, HSE is not
just Tom's role and mine, it's everyone's role, but they have to
understand what it is and how they affect that. As Tom said, once
we get in the door, we explain that we are a resource. We are
support. We're not here to hinder you or shut you down or disrupt
your business. What we are here to do is to find out - what do
you need? What gaps you have and how can we help you? Once
we get into it with that mindset, every manager will say, "oh,
come on in, the door is wide open."
It takes a little bit of relationship building and guidance to get
them to understand. And not only does it create a safer, healthier,
better company that can protect the environment, our security,
but it's better for our employees, it's better for their morale, their
productivity, because we're not only showing care and concern
for our business, but for them and their well-being as well. I think
every manager has been able to get behind that. In order to be
competitive in the marketplace today, you need to have strong,
sustainable programs in place and be able to move in and out
of marketplaces with the big boys. I absolutely think we, like any
company, must grow in the HSE area or we will not be sustainable and will not be successful.
If we look at our corporate motto of "Enriching lives and the
world," how can we do that? You know, Tubular is a perfect
example. You know, we are putting pipe in the ground. We are
touching the environment, so we pose a big risk if that pipe leaks
or if that pipe bursts, so putting in place an HSE program is just
absolutely necessary to ensure that we protect the environment,
because now we're monitoring every single step of our movement. If you are doing environmental damage with your company,
how are you sustainable? If we don't pay attention, how does
Sumitomo market itself as a sustainable company, one that's
going to last?
VISIONS: What is a takeaway you want everyone to know about
our HSE programs in general?
Tonya Zepeda: I would say if you look
at our principles - integrity, change in
innovation, growth and development -
we see this as a learning organization,
continuously. As that organization, we
look to understand the needs of HSE
as they grow, as they change for our
people, for our environment, for the
business that we do, so we'll continue
to grow and develop it. We are building a team - and an organization too - that can be the experts who help, coach and mentor
our leadership team. I would say, just watch us, because we are
going to be one of the top safety programs where people will say,
I want to model after what they accomplished. That is where we
want to go. Yes, that is what they are going to see in the future. In
addition, I am excited, and I think Tom would agree. Yes, there will
be a lot of challenges and roadblocks and red tape, but the one
thing about HSE people is that we are stubborn and persistent
(laughs), so we will just keep on going. In addition, until we get
there, we are going to be finding new ways to improve.
Communication is crucial for us to be successful. We will continue to learn from this current crisis with the COVID-19 pandemic
and adapt to the changing conditions. Our leadership team has
been dedicated to health and safety and ensuring that we do
not put our employees at risk by early openings or rushed plans.
It truly speaks to their principals. It may be chaotic, but I have
never been more proud to work for SCOA.
Sumitomo Corporation of Americas
Visions - Spring 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Visions - Spring 2020
Visions - Spring 2020 - Contents
Visions - Spring 2020 - 2
Visions - Spring 2020 - 3
Visions - Spring 2020 - 4
Visions - Spring 2020 - 5
Visions - Spring 2020 - 6
Visions - Spring 2020 - 7
Visions - Spring 2020 - 8
Visions - Spring 2020 - 9
Visions - Spring 2020 - 10
Visions - Spring 2020 - 11
Visions - Spring 2020 - 12
Visions - Spring 2020 - 13
Visions - Spring 2020 - 14
Visions - Spring 2020 - 15
Visions - Spring 2020 - 16