Explore PA Wine Land Book 2021 - 82

CORKED » This is a wine fault
caused by a chemical compound
called TCA, formed when natural
fungi from the cork come in contact
with chlorides found in plant
fungicides or sanitation products
used by the winery industry. Your
wine might be corked if you smell
wet cardboard, wet dog, or a general
musty odor. While not harmful to
humans, TCA kills the vibrancy of
wine and destroys the finish. Corked
wines are one reason for the rise of
screw caps.
EARTHY » A wine aroma or flavor
reminiscent of soil, minerals, and
vegetation; the opposite of fruity.
ESTATE WINE » Wines labeled as
" estate " must be made using grapes
from vineyards owned by the winery.
In addition, the wine must be made
entirely at the winery - it can't leave
the property during fermentation,
aging, or bottling. While the winery
and vineyards don't have to be
contiguous, they must be located in
the same appellation.
spirits (such as brandy) are added to
wine during fermentation, creating a
beverage that is both more intensely
flavored and higher in alcohol
(usually 17- 20 percent). Famous
fortified wines include port-style
wines, sherry, and vermouth. In terms
of flavor profile, they run the gamut
from dry to sweet.
FOXY » This word describes
a distinct wild and musky note,
experienced mostly in wines made
from native grapes (Vitis labrusca)
such as Concord or Catawba.
" Natural "
wines is a broad term to define
wines that are made with little to
no intervention. Grapes are typically
grown without the use of herbicides
or pesticides, are handpicked, and
are fermented using natural yeast -
the ambient bacteria in the air that
will naturally kick off fermentation if
a vat of grapes is left long enough.
Winemakers eschew additives during
the winemaking process (with the
occasional exception of sulfites just
before bottling as a preservative).
The resulting wines are often a
little cloudy, rustic, funky or even
barnyard-y, but they can also be
juicy, vibrant and gulpable (hence the
French term Glou-Glou.)
MAGNUM » A magnum is a large
bottle of wine containing 1.5 liters of
the good stuff. A " double magnum "
is 3 liters.
OFF-DRY » This descriptor is
applied to wines with slightly more
residual sugar than dry wines -
usually 0.6 percent to 1.4 percent.
Riesling is a classic example of a
varietal that can be made in an offdry
PEPPERY » This is a way of calling
out spice notes in wine. Aging in
toasted oak barrels can contribute to
peppery aromas.
NATUREL » This is a rustic style
of sparkling wine made using the
" méthode ancestral. " Partiallyfermented
red or white wines are
bottled and capped, and as the natural
sugars continue to ferment, carbon
dioxide is released, producing bubbles.
These wines tend to be about half
as fizzy as traditional bubbly, low in
alcohol, and often unfiltered. This style
is very popular among proponents of
natural wine (see above).

Explore PA Wine Land Book 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Explore PA Wine Land Book 2021

Explore PA Wine Land Book 2021 - Cover1
Explore PA Wine Land Book 2021 - Contents
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Explore PA Wine Land Book 2021 - Cover4