Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - (Page 52)


Celestial Calendar

After the new Moon is done occulting a big star (the Sun) on May 20th, it moves eastward along its orbit to become a thin waxing crescent that will occult a much more distant star, 3rdmagnitude Zeta Tauri, on the afternoon or evening of May 22nd. Zeta Tauri is the dimmer of the two horn tips of Taurus. This will be a tricky telescopic observation near the eastern edge of the visibility zone, where the star and Moon will be very low, and in the western part of the zone, where the star and Moon will be fairly high but the occultation will start either in bright twilight or broad daylight. The lunar crescent will be very thin, just 4% sunlit, and only about 23° east (upper left) of the Sun. If you’re trying to locate the Moon before sunset, set up your telescope just inside the shadow of a building, so there’s no chance of inadvertently viewing the Sun. Then scan carefully with your finderscope or binoculars
ns as er qu ke C D Cit La e ity en y Lo sV ve sA eg r as ng ele s

roughly 18° above and 12° to the left of the Sun. (This will vary with your location.) The star’s visibility in your scope will depend on sky conditions. It will disappear behind the Moon’s dark limb, as almost always happens for occultations when the Moon is waxing, but even with earthshine the dark limb may be invisible in a bright sky. So interpolate very carefully between the yellow lines on the map, or better, see the timetable of local predictions available at When you’re watching the star in the eyepiece, don’t blink at the critical time or you might miss it! The star reappears up to an hour or more later from behind the crescent’s bright limb. By then your sky will be darker but the Moon will be lower. Again, there will be no warning, so watch steadily as the critical time counts down. The two maps at right tell the story for each event.

2:1 0U T

Horn Tip Occulted

No rth er nl im it o fo ccu

2:2 0

Disappears in daytime

lta tio n

No occultation

2:3 0

Disappears in twilight

Disappears in a dark sky

2:5 0U T

Reappears in daytime

3:0 0
3:1 0

No rth

ern lim it o fo ccu lta tio n











Moon Occults Zeta Tauri
May 22, 2012

Reappears in twilight
3:30 UT

No occultation

Reappears in a dark sky

Mark your location with a pencil dot, then interpolate between the yellow curves to find the Universal Time of Zeta Tauri’s disappearance and reappearance. Remember that 0:00 Universal Time is 7:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time; 6:00 p.m. MDT; 5:00 p.m. PDT. Shading indicates whether the event occurs in daylight, twilight, or (for a tiny sliver of land) in darkness. The farther east you are in the occultation zone, the darker the sky but the lower the Moon will be.


52 May 2012 sky & telescope


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Sky and Telescope - May 2012

Sky and Telescope - May 2012
Table of Contents
75, 50 & 25 Years Ago
News Notes
Saturn’s Raging Superstorm
Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks
The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy
In This Section
May’s Sky at a Glance
Binocular Highlight
Planetary Almanac
Northern Hemisphere’s Sky
Sun, Moon, and Planets
Celestial Calendar
Exploring the Solar System
Deep-Sky Wonders
Going Deep
S&T Test Report
New Product Showcase
Telescope Workshop
Planetary Imaging with Your DSLR Camera
Focal Point

Sky and Telescope - May 2012

Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - (Page Intro)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Sky and Telescope - May 2012 (Page Cover1)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Sky and Telescope - May 2012 (Page Cover2)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Sky and Telescope - May 2012 (Page 3)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Table of Contents (Page 4)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Table of Contents (Page 5)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Spectrum (Page 6)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Spectrum (Page 7)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Letters (Page 8)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Letters (Page 9)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - 75, 50 & 25 Years Ago (Page 10)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - 75, 50 & 25 Years Ago (Page 11)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 12)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 13)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 14)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 15)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 16)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 17)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 18)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 19)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 20)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 21)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 22)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 23)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 24)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 25)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 26)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 27)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 28)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 29)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 30)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 31)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 32)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 33)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 34)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 35)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 36)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 37)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 38)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 39)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 40)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 41)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 42)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - In This Section (Page 43)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - May’s Sky at a Glance (Page 44)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Binocular Highlight (Page 45)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Planetary Almanac (Page 46)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Northern Hemisphere’s Sky (Page 47)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Sun, Moon, and Planets (Page 48)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Sun, Moon, and Planets (Page 49)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Celestial Calendar (Page 50)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Celestial Calendar (Page 51)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Celestial Calendar (Page 52)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Celestial Calendar (Page 53)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Exploring the Solar System (Page 54)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Exploring the Solar System (Page 55)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Deep-Sky Wonders (Page 56)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Deep-Sky Wonders (Page 57)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Deep-Sky Wonders (Page 58)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Deep-Sky Wonders (Page 59)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Going Deep (Page 60)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Going Deep (Page 61)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Going Deep (Page 62)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Going Deep (Page 63)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - S&T Test Report (Page 64)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - S&T Test Report (Page 65)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - S&T Test Report (Page 66)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - S&T Test Report (Page 67)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - New Product Showcase (Page 68)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - New Product Showcase (Page 69)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Telescope Workshop (Page 70)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Telescope Workshop (Page 71)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Planetary Imaging with Your DSLR Camera (Page 72)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Planetary Imaging with Your DSLR Camera (Page 73)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Planetary Imaging with Your DSLR Camera (Page 74)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Planetary Imaging with Your DSLR Camera (Page 75)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 76)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 77)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 78)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 79)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 80)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 81)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 82)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 83)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 84)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 85)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Focal Point (Page 86)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Focal Point (Page Cover3)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Focal Point (Page Cover4)