Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - (Page 57)

Sue French welcomes your comments at

Sue French

Messier 91 is a classic example of a barred spiral galaxy.

ern end. M88’s halo covers about 4½′ × 2′ and enfolds a small, brighter core with a stellar nucleus. I can see, but not quite hold constantly, an extremely dim star superposed on the galaxy’s southeastern tip. In my 10-inch reflector at 192×, M88 spans 5½′ × 2½′ and grows gradually brighter toward a small, oval, inner core. Brightness variations in the halo suggest spiral arms that unwrap clockwise. The superposed star now accompanies a fainter companion to its south-southwest. Deep images show that the companion is a snug (1.9″) double star. It might take a very large telescope to separate its 15th-magnitude components. If you give it a try, please let me know how well you succeed. The galaxy M91 is only 50′ east of M88, with the two visible in the same binocular field of view. However, M91 is not an easy binocular object. The smallest binoculars through which I’ve spotted it are 18×50s with image stabilization. Even then it was simply a small, very faint smudge that took a little while to spot. Through a telescope, you can follow part of Smyth’s starry pageant from M88 to M91. The star hovering above M88’s northwestern end is the first in an arc of three that curves northeast, each star brighter than the one before. Farther east, three more stars curve back down to M91, the final one lying off the galaxy’s western side. My 105-mm refractor at 28× shows M88 and M91 in the same field, with M91 as a faint spot. At 87× the galaxy grows a small round core with a stellar nucleus. The core has barlike extensions that run east-northeast to west-southwest. M91 covers about 2′, and its core is less than half that.

My 10-inch scope at 192× reveals a faint wisp reaching north from the western extension of M91 and another reaching south from the opposite extension. The wisps quickly fade to a very faint halo that’s somewhat oval and aligned perpendicular to the bar. The oval is about 2½′ wide, but its length is difficult to judge because the halo is rather dim. My 14.5-inch reflector at 170× makes the halo appreciably easier and puffs it out to about 5′ × 3½′. There’s no object at the coordinates given for M91 by its discoverer, Charles Messier, so M91 was long considered a “missing” object. Various hypotheses were put forward in a celestial version of a Where’s Waldo? hunt. Astronomers and historians suggested that M91 might be NGC 4571, a passing comet, or a duplicate observation of M58. But it was an amateur astronomer from Texas who came up with

Galaxies in Southern Coma Berenices
Messier 88 Messier 91 NGC 4516 IC 3476 NGC 4571

9.6 10.2 12.8 12.7 11.3

6.9′ × 3.7′ 5.4′ × 4.3′ 1.9′ × 0.8′ 2.1′ × 1.8′ 3.6′ × 3.2′

12 32.0 12 35.4
h m


+14° 25′ +14° 30′ +14° 35′ +14° 35′ +14° 13′


12h 33.1m 12h 32.7m 12 36.9
h m

Angular sizes are from recent catalogs. Visually, an object’s size is often smaller than the cataloged value and varies according to the aperture and magnification of the viewing instrument. Right ascension and declination are for equinox 2000.0.

Sk May 2012 57


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Sky and Telescope - May 2012

Sky and Telescope - May 2012
Table of Contents
75, 50 & 25 Years Ago
News Notes
Saturn’s Raging Superstorm
Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks
The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy
In This Section
May’s Sky at a Glance
Binocular Highlight
Planetary Almanac
Northern Hemisphere’s Sky
Sun, Moon, and Planets
Celestial Calendar
Exploring the Solar System
Deep-Sky Wonders
Going Deep
S&T Test Report
New Product Showcase
Telescope Workshop
Planetary Imaging with Your DSLR Camera
Focal Point

Sky and Telescope - May 2012

Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - (Page Intro)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Sky and Telescope - May 2012 (Page Cover1)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Sky and Telescope - May 2012 (Page Cover2)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Sky and Telescope - May 2012 (Page 3)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Table of Contents (Page 4)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Table of Contents (Page 5)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Spectrum (Page 6)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Spectrum (Page 7)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Letters (Page 8)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Letters (Page 9)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - 75, 50 & 25 Years Ago (Page 10)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - 75, 50 & 25 Years Ago (Page 11)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 12)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 13)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 14)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 15)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 16)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 17)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 18)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - News Notes (Page 19)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 20)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 21)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 22)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 23)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 24)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Saturn’s Raging Superstorm (Page 25)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 26)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 27)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 28)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 29)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 30)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 31)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 32)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 33)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 34)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks (Page 35)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 36)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 37)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 38)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 39)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 40)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 41)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy (Page 42)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - In This Section (Page 43)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - May’s Sky at a Glance (Page 44)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Binocular Highlight (Page 45)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Planetary Almanac (Page 46)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Northern Hemisphere’s Sky (Page 47)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Sun, Moon, and Planets (Page 48)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Sun, Moon, and Planets (Page 49)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Celestial Calendar (Page 50)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Celestial Calendar (Page 51)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Celestial Calendar (Page 52)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Celestial Calendar (Page 53)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Exploring the Solar System (Page 54)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Exploring the Solar System (Page 55)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Deep-Sky Wonders (Page 56)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Deep-Sky Wonders (Page 57)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Deep-Sky Wonders (Page 58)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Deep-Sky Wonders (Page 59)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Going Deep (Page 60)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Going Deep (Page 61)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Going Deep (Page 62)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Going Deep (Page 63)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - S&T Test Report (Page 64)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - S&T Test Report (Page 65)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - S&T Test Report (Page 66)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - S&T Test Report (Page 67)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - New Product Showcase (Page 68)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - New Product Showcase (Page 69)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Telescope Workshop (Page 70)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Telescope Workshop (Page 71)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Planetary Imaging with Your DSLR Camera (Page 72)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Planetary Imaging with Your DSLR Camera (Page 73)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Planetary Imaging with Your DSLR Camera (Page 74)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Planetary Imaging with Your DSLR Camera (Page 75)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 76)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 77)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 78)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 79)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 80)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 81)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 82)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 83)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 84)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Gallery (Page 85)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Focal Point (Page 86)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Focal Point (Page Cover3)
Sky and Telescope - May 2012 - Focal Point (Page Cover4)