Experiences Amazing Of course you can surf, ski, and bike here, but did you know you can try these adventures in California? Alisal Guest Ranch 83 Escape to a Dude Ranch Dig out your Stetson hat and silver belt buckle and reconnect with California's laid-back cowboy culture. Amble on a gentle quarter horse though pines and cedars at Quincy's Greenhorn Ranch. Learn how to rope like a wrangler at The Alisal Guest Ranch near Solvang. Ride in a thrilling cattle drive at Bridgeport's Hunewill Ranch. Never been on a horse? City slickers can choose from unsaddled activities like fl y-fi shing, river rafting, swimming, or campfi re s'mores under starry skies. 50 | VISITCALIFORNIA.COM THIS SPREAD, FROM LEFT: COURTESY ALISAL; BARCROFT MEDIA/GETTY IMAGES; DANA NEIBERT/GETTY IMAGEShttp://www.VISITCALIFORNIA.COM