Training Industry Quarterly - Spring 2010 - (Page 15)
The Business Case for Measuring Learning
b y J e f f r e y b e r k . . . . .
Continuing to make talent investments during a downturn is important
t is important for any organization to have a clear business case to measure learning and development. A solid business case can streamline the process of legitimizing learning measurement as a necessary and strategic component of learning. The business case needs to be credible and objective. It should appeal to the business stakeholder by linking learning measurement to financial results and business outcomes. This article will share creative insights on how this might be accomplished. Best Practices:
Financial Link Bassi Investments has tracked the financial performance of public organizations that invest in talent development. Over a multi-year period between 1996 and 2001, their trend analysis revealed that a hypothetical portfolio of “high training investment firms” outperformed the S&P 500 for each of the five years examined by 5.6 percent. Although hypothetical, it does point out that it pays off to invest in people.
Training Industry Quarterly, Spring 2010 / A Training Industry, Inc. ezine /
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Training Industry Quarterly - Spring 2010