Training Industry Quarterly - Winter 2013 - (Page 5)
In ThIs Issue
T H O u g H T
Tracking Trends
By ken Taylor As a new year takes shape, Ken challenges learning leaders to discuss emerging trends and their business. ............................. 3
L e a d e r s
People @ Work
By claire raines With four generations in the workplace, adding options to your training is critical to meet the needs of all learners. ............... 13
At the Editor’s Desk
This issue’s guest editor, John Leutner of Xerox, discusses how building a culture of learning is a key differentiator. ................ 7
21st Century Training
By connie Malamed Technology supports and empowers learners. Here are five emerging roles to meet the demands of 21st century training. ....................................................................................... 15
By charles Jennings We tend to value our ability to look forward, yet reflection is one of the most effective learning tools. .................................... 9
Performance Matters
By conrad gottfredson & Bob Mosher As learning professionals, it’s vital to develop solutions that allow employees to effectively perform on the job. .................. 17
Leadership 2.0
By scott Blanchard and ken Blanchard Quality leadership has the greatest influence on employee engagement and can position your company for success in any economic climate. ........................................... 11
Closing Arguments
By Tim sosbe Having the right information allows us to make wise choices. Tracking trends gives us this advantage. ................................. 51
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i n d e x
gp sTrATegIes ....................................................22 InTrepId .............................................................26 The TrAInIng AssoCIATes ..................................30 VAluesellIng AssoCIATes .................................34 ACClIVus r3 soluTIons .....................................40 TTn leArnIng ......................................................39 generATIons AT worK ........................................44 TrAInIng IndusTry webInArs on demAnd ........50 mICroTeK ...........................................................52
You’re just one click away from the industry’s leading suppliers.
eCornell .............................................................2 Adobe ..................................................................6 Top 20 leArnIng porTAl CompAnIes ...................8 sweeTrush ........................................................10 pArTnerIng for performAnCe ConferenCe ....12 The Ken blAnChArd CompAnIes ........................14 Top 20 IT TrAInIng CompAnIes ...........................16 peArson ............................................................18
Training Industry Quarterly, Winter 2013 / A Training Industry, Inc. magazine /
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Training Industry Quarterly - Winter 2013