F E AT U R E S 16 TRAINING VERSUS PERFORMANCE 16 20 24 28 33 36 40 44 28 PASSION IN THE CLASSROOM 33 LEADER AS THE FACILITATOR PERFORMANCE VERSUS TRAINING: IT ISN'T ALWAYS A TRAINING ISSUE By Angela Wilson Eliminate one-size-fits-all training and match the right solution to each individual issue. MINDFULNESS: A CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTOR By George Pitagorsky Learning to concentrate and be present in the moment is like exercising a muscle. CREATING THE IDEAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT By Daila Boufford It's time to embrace the diversity of the learning audience and maximize resources. PASSION IN THE CLASSROOM: CAN YOU BE A SAND SALESMAN? By Jack Landry Spark your enthusiasm for training by focusing on the positive benefits and outcomes. THE LEADER AS THE FACILITATOR: HOW TO EFFECTIVELY LEAD KNOWLEDGE WORKERS By Marshall Goldsmith, Alan Mulally & Sam Shriver Leaders must admit they don't have all the answers and facilitate the process of finding solutions. WHY CHARACTERS, CLICKS, POINTS AND BADGES DON'T TRANSLATE IN E-LEARNING By Vicki Kunkel Game mechanics alone aren't enough to engage learners and drive behavior change. LEARNING EFFECTIVENESS BY DESIGN By Fiona Sookhai Numbers do not lie and are a guiding force when developing and deploying training solutions. FOUR WAYS TO INCREASE LEARNER ENGAGEMENT By Charlotte Morris The path to a successful and effective learning experience is paved with robust engagement. T R A I N I N G I N DUSTR Y MA GAZ INE - FALL20 1 6 I WWW.TRAININGI NDU S T RY . C OM/ MAGAZ I NE |5http://www.trainingindustry.com/ezine.aspx