TRAINING T A L K 5 TIPS TO DRIVE EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT INDUSTRY PO What is your favorite strategy to reinforce/sustain learning? 6% < 3% 18% 1 | FOSTER MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS Invest the time and energy to get to know your employees and seek to identify their areas of strength. 2 | HOLD EMPLOYEES ACCOUNTABLE Check in with employees and make sure they have goals they are working toward on a daily basis. S 44% 29% N=63 Mentoring/coaching Practice session (live or virtual) Microlearning Short-form video Email follow-up What coaching activity do you consider most important to developing best-in-class sales employees? 3 | CREATE TEAMS BUILT ON TRUST Promote a collaborative environment to build trust between team members. 13% 17% 4 | EMPOWER EMPLOYEES TO BE SUCCESSFUL Instill confidence in employees by letting them have a voice in how they perform their job. 50% 20% N=30 5 | SEEK FEEDBACK Be open to receiving feedback so you can better understand the impact you have on others. Personalizing coaching to areas of need Question framing/critical thinking Broadening salespeople's perspectives Setting KPI expectations T R A I N I N G I N DUSTR Y MA GAZ INE - FALL20 1 6 I WWW.TRAININGI NDU S T RY . C OM/ MAGAZ I NE | 63