THAT WON'T GO AWAY BY LE'A KENT There are some training myths out there that just won't go away - even if they really should. Some of the most common training myths include the following: * If you build it, they will come * In-person training is the best way to teach soft skills * So-so learning experiences will have an impact anyway * Gamification is an automatic motivator It is imperative to ensure these myths aren't hindering your critical learning initiatives and that you're remaining realistic when designing your next learning program. Now, let's look at these myths and their corresponding realities in more detail. MYTH #1: IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME Reality: Marketing communications are a basic fact of life when it comes to modern learning. Even required courses need people to show up - as in be present, willing to participate and ready to learn. It's even tougher with non-required learning. This is one of the inherent difficulties with offering learning catalogs or Netflixlike learning experience platforms and then calling your organizational learning efforts complete. Some learners might seek out personal development topics but, without support from their managers to take the time in their workday for learning, how many really will take advantage of a vast catalog, especially one that's difficult to navigate or presents an overload of choices? Paralysis of choice is a real problem when it comes to this approach. Learning and development (L&D) must do more than simply throw | 20