FEATURES 16 COACHING IS A COP-OUT 16 20 24 24 KNOWLEDGE SHARING 36 ESTABLISHING A CONTENT STRATEGY STEPS TO FORMALLY MAKE By Alan Fine THE INFORMAL PART OF Leaders should strive to make every conversation a "coaching conversation." YOUR CONTENT STRATEGY COACHING IS A COP-OUT CLOSE MORE DEALS WITH STORY SELLING By Elsa Powel Strong BY MARK D'AQUIN Helping your sales team master the art of storytelling can take your sales to the next level. PARTNERING FOR THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE: HOW CAN KNOWLEDGE FOSTER COLLABORATION AMONG L&D AND EMPLOYEES? By Kasper Spiro and Videhi Bhamidi Utilize a collaborative model to untap the tacit knowledge of employees across the business. 29 ORGANIZATIONAL RESILIENCY: A FUNCTION OF LEADER ADAPTABILITY AND VERSATILITY By Sam Shriver, Ed.D., and Casey Mulqueen, Ph.D. Adaptability and versatility are critical to the success of today's leaders. 32 36 40 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR REVERSE MENTORING By Laura Francis Reverse mentoring can increase the retention of young talent while upskilling tenured executives. 5 STEPS TO FORMALLY MAKE THE INFORMAL PART OF YOUR CONTENT STRATEGY By Mark D'Aquin The demands of learners can be met with many forms of informal learning. 'THE PLAY'S THE THING:' THE POWER OF STORY-BASED LEARNING By Brian S. Grant Leverage the principles of storytelling to enhance the learning experience. T R A I N I N G I N DUSTR Y MAGAZ INE -FORMALIZ ING INFORMAL L E ARNI NG 2 019 I W W W .T RAI NI NGI NDU S T RY .C OM/ MAGAZI NE |5https://www.trainingindustry.com/magazine