IN THIS ISSUE THOUGHT LEADERS 3 9 11 FROM THE EDITOR By Michelle Eggleston Schwartz L&D professionals are now tasked with staying at the forefront of change. GUEST EDITOR By Ben Weber Embrace flexibility to better navigate change and become a better leader. SCIENCE OF LEARNING By Srini Pillay, M.D. Adopting the principles of brain science can improve learning initiatives. 13 15 PERFORMANCE MATTERS By Julie Winkle Giulioni Transform learning efforts by following expressions making a comeback in the corporate training space. BUILDING LEADERS By Sam Shriver and Marshall Goldsmith Today's leaders are hiring for cultural fits, embracing change and improving content alignment. 57 WHAT'S NEXT IN TECH 58 CLOSING DEALS 59 COMPANY NEWS By Stella Lee, Ph.D. As the future of work evolves, learning is key to managing this new workplace. INFO EXCHANGE 50 52 CASEBOOK AbbVie's unique, annual workforce development initiative drastically increases employee engagement. GLOBAL OUTLOOK Avoid alienating international business partners by developing cross-cultural competence. CONNECT WITH US |6 1 (866) 298-4203 The learning technologies market has never seen a busier year than 2019 and 2020 will be no different. Keep up with the latest in the training industry by reading news from the last quarter. TrainingIndustry.com