L&D detectives search for clues and use data to uncover learning's influence on behavior, performance, actions and business goals. By learning how to build the case for impact investigations with qualifying criteria and impact facts, you too can be an L&D detective. CRITERIA FOR IMPACT INVESTIGATIONS How do you know which programs, courses or learning solutions deserve an impact investigation? Here is the realty: You cannot measure everything nor should you. You can, however, determine when to conduct impact investigations based on these five qualifying criteria. T R A I N I N G I N DUSTR Y MAGAZ INE -DATA FLUENCY IN LEARNI NG 2 02 0 I WWW. T RAI NINGINDU S T RY . C OM/ MAGAZ I NE | 19https://www.trainingindustry.com/magazine https://www.trainingindustry.com/magazine