LEADING LEARNING DURING T COVID-19 has jolted businesses into changing behavior holistically, and learning and development (L&D) departments are uniquely positioned to be at the center of that change. As social distancing, sheltering-in-place and virtual gatherings became the norm, Training Industry opened an ongoing pulse survey to L&D professionals to track and understand the rapidly developing effects of the pandemic on our industry. PLANNING AND PROGRAMS 9% 34% 31% Have a plan, confident about executing it MORE THAN BUT ONLY have a plan in place. feel it will be executed. Have a plan, not confident about executing it Developing or revising a plan No plan 26% CURRENT PROGRAMS are retooling or repurposing their programs. FUTURE PROGRAMS are continuing their programs as is. are delaying the rollout of new programs. TAKE PART IN OUR ONGOING PULSE OF L&D RES |4https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7MY8SQS