FEATURES 5e6367 OF 18 BUILDING RESILIENCE 18 22 26 30 36 30 2021 TRENDS 40 LEADING THROUGH CRISIS BUILDING RESILIENCE: L&D'S EVOLVING ROLE IN BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING By Danny Ertel and Gabriella Salvatore Business continuity planning is critical in developing long-term organizational resilience. CONSIDER THE WHITE ROOM: CURATING MEANINGFUL LEARNER EXPERIENCES By Christopher Adams and Beth Hughes Apply principles of museum curation to content curation to provide meaningful learning experiences. COST-ESTIMATING LEARNING INITIATIVES AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS By Ajay M. Pangarkar and Teresa Kirkwood Secure the learning function's position as a value center with effective cost forecasting. TRENDS 2021: PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE OF LEARNING By Ken Taylor and Michelle Eggleston Schwartz Prepare for 2021 with Training Industry's predictions for trends in the learning space. PROVE IT! MEASURING TRAINING IMPACT FOR THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION By Paul Leone, Ph.D. To succeed in the future of work, learning leaders must measure and demonstrate their impact. 40 44 CRITICAL LEADERSHIP SKILLS IN TIMES OF CRISIS By Elizabeth Greene What skills will be most critical to leaders as they usher in the next normal? BEYOND SERVICE: HOW DEFINING MOMENTS IMPACT CULTURE By Jason R. Weber Support employee and overall organizational success by cultivating a culture of service. T R A I N I N G I N DUSTR Y MAGAZ INE - L& D'S ROLE IN CHANGE MANAGE ME NT I WWW. T RAININGINDU S T RY . C OM/ MAGAZ I NE |7https://www.trainingindustry.com/magazine