FEATURES 16 20 24 26 31 34 LEADING PEOPLE THROUGH PROCESS: CREATING TRAINING PROJECT PLANS THAT WORK By Steve Felson Identify learner and organization needs and clearly define your scope. IMMERSIVE LEARNING: CREATING A NEW REALITY IN L&D By Ithai Stern, Alon Epstein and Daniel Landau VR and XR can enable your learners to perfect their collaboration skills. THE INCLUSION PARADOX: WHY MANY DIVERSITY EFFORTS FAIL TO FOSTER INCLUSION By Lee Russell Make your company culture welcoming throughout the employee journey. THE ROLE OF EXPERIENCE IN PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT By Rich Mesch Experiential learning is essential for jobs that depend on soft skills. GROWING THE INTERNAL LEADERSHIP PIPELINE By David Hosmer and Susan Franzen Assess needs, set objectives and accurately measure your program's impact. THRIVING ACROSS CULTURES: 3 STRATEGIES FOR HYBRID WORK SUCCESS By Kate Sullivan Gender, ability and age are just some of the factors that L&D should consider. 39 42 46 50 54 ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER: THE POWER OF OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING By Jeffrey Hall Seeing others succeed at a task can make all the difference for learners. 7 TIPS FOR TRAINING EMPLOYEES ON CYBERSECURITY By Matthew George Make your training and testing flexible and provide support to your IT team. THE POWER OF STORYTELLING: HOW HUMAN CONNECTIONS TRANSCEND AI'S IMPACT By Hope Miller and Elsa Powel Strong Humans remain unmatched at telling compelling and impactful stories. HOW TO REDUCE COSTS AND INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GLOBAL TRAINING By Nikita Agarwal Incorporate learner feedback into your localization to ensure success. SINK OR SWIM: IMPROVE ONBOARDING WITH LEARNING ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES By Julia Phelan, Ph.D. Onboarding can lay the foundation for long-term learner success. TRAINING INDUSTRY MAGAZINE - FALL 2023 I WWW.TRAININGINDUSTRY.COM/MAGAZINE 5https://www.trainingindustry.com/magazine