Responsibility: Corporate A New Paradigm for Engaging and Developing Women In the wake of the #MeToo movement, it's tempting for companies to make preventing sexual misconduct their top gender training priority. While sexual harassment training for all employees is important, too much emphasis on women's protection can sometimes impede women's empowerment - though companies cannot achieve the former without the latter. Adding to the persisting lack of organizational gender parity, 18 million working mothers of school-aged children in the United States have disproportionately shouldered family and caretaking responsibilities during the pandemic. From virtual schooling to caring for children at home due to sickness, quarantines and intermittent school closures, too many women are not only leaking out of leadership pipelines, but they are also leaving the workplace indefinitely. Since February 2020, women in the United States lost more than 5.4 million net jobs. For companies to earn back the trust and respect of their female employees and attract and retain top female talent, it's time to prioritize corporate gender responsibility (CGR). CGR is a company's ability to recognize and proactively address the unique and often-overlooked needs of its female employees, board members and customers. While the number of employees who identify as nonbinary (meaning neither male or TRAINING INDUSTRY MAGAZINE - SPRING 2022 I WWW.TRAININGINDUSTRY.COM/MAGAZINE | 55