AGILE LEADERS ARE BEST SERVED BY A MINDSET THAT SUPPORTS A MEASURED, DELIBERATE WAY FORWARD. reflection process circles back to the starting point - knowing your purpose and understanding yourself - and provides insights that inform growth as an agile leader. DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP AGILITY Whether you are a corporate leader or a talent development professional, learning to behave in ways that are not always comfortable or intuitive takes time, patience and practice. Some situations will bring challenges that can be navigated handily. Others will be akin to being stuck in a nylon tunnel. The important thing to remember is leadership agility is a skill that can be developed. And that's excellent news for all of us because the changes coming our way - be it AI, new generations in the workforce or the latest unforeseen workplace complexity - will not be slowing down anytime soon. Steve Dion is the founder and CEO of Dion Leadership. Steve has dedicated his career to understanding and improving organizational cultures through the creation and deployment of innovative assessment, leadership and team development programs. Email Steve. The Business of Learning: Conversations With L&D Experts Tune in to Training Industry's award-winning podcast to hear conversations with industry experts on topics pertaining to the modern learning and development (L&D) professional. Enjoying the podcast? Let us know! Leave a review on your favorite podcast app. Have an idea for a future episode, or would you like to be considered as a guest speaker? Email us at LISTEN NOW TRAINING INDUSTRY MAGAZINE - SUMMER 2024 I WWW.TRAININGINDUSTRY.COM/MAGAZINE 19