ABOUT THE COVER… Photo courtesy of Photo Researchers, Inc. Use of the photos does not imply endorsement of any product by the International Association for Food Protection. Volume 28, No. 7 ■ ARTICLES 468 An Integrated Assay for Rapid Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on Beef Samples John Willford and Lawrence D. Goodridge 473 Listeria Prevention Practices for Small Cheese Operations Lisbeth Meunier-Goddik, Floyd W. Bodyfelt and John Robert Coelho, Jr. ■ ASSOCIATION NEWS 461 464 466 484 Sustaining Members Lone Star Perspective from Your President Commentary from the Executive Director New Members ■ DEPARTMENTS 487 491 546 547 News Industry Products Coming Events Advertising Index ■ EXTRAS IAFP 2008 500 Award Winners 501 Committee Meetings 502 Ivan Parkin Lecture 503 John H. Silliker Lecture 504 Preliminary Program 535 Networking Opportunities 536 General Information 537 Registration Form 538 Workshops 540 Exhibitors 544 Special Contributors and Sponsors 548 Journal of Food Protection Table of Contents 550 Audiovisual Library Order Form 551 Booklet Order Form 552 Membership Application 454 FOOD PROTECTION TRENDS | JULY 2008 The publishers do not warrant, either expressly or by implication, the factual accuracy of the articles or descriptions herein, nor do they so warrant any views offered by the authors of said articles and descriptions.