PACKAGING MARKETPLACE In a market like this, you need to operate at peak performance. Food processors need every advantage they can get. Today, your biggest opportunity lies in innovation. At the Worldwide Food Expo, you’ll see how new technologies can address today’s hot topics — from trends and ingredients to food safety, sustainability and how to “green” your operations and packaging. Co-located with the AMI Meat, Poultry & Seafood Expo, the Worldwide Food Expo is also an ideal venue for exploring “crossover” ideas between industries. Plan now to join us in Chicago! WORLD’S FOOD PROCESSING + WHERE THE DAIRY AND FOOD INDUSTRY COME TOGETHER OCTOBER 28–31, 2009 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS McCORMICK PLACE WWW.WORLDWIDEFOOD.COM MOVING AT THE SPEED OF INNOVATION REGISTER TODAY! USE PRIORIT Y CODE AFP06 408 FOOD PROTECTION TRENDS | JUNE 2009http://WWW.WORLDWIDEFOOD.COM http://WWW.WORLDWIDEFOOD.COM