4. Research should not have been previously presented nor intended for presentation at another scientific meeting. Work should not appear in print prior to the Annual Meeting. Rejection Reasons 1. Abstract was not prepared according to the “Instructions for Preparing Abstracts.” This includes abstracts that are too lengthy. 2. Abstract reports inappropriate or unacceptable subject matter about advancing food safety worldwide. 3. Abstract is not based on accepted scientific or educational practices and/or the quality of the research or scientific/educational approach is inadequate. 4. Potential for the approach to be practically used to enhance food safety is not apparent. 5. Work reported appears to be incomplete and/or data and statistical validity are not presented. Percentages alone are not acceptable unless sample sizes (both numbers of samples and sample weight or volume) are reported. Detection limits should be specified when stating that populations are below these limits. Indicating that data will only appear in the presentation without including them in the abstract is NOT acceptable. 6. Abstract was poorly written or prepared. This includes spelling and grammatical errors or improper English language usage. 7. Results have been presented/published previously by one of the authors. 8. Abstract was received after the deadline for submission. 9. Abstract contains information that is in violation of the International Association for Food Protection Policy on Commercialism. 10. Abstract subject is similar to other(s) submitted by same author. (The committee reserves the right to combine such abstracts.) 11. Abstracts that report research that is confirmatory of previous studies and/or lacks originality will be given low priority for acceptance. Projected Deadlines/Notification Abstract Submission Deadline: January 20, 2010. Acceptance/Rejection Notification: March 9, 2010. Contact Information Questions regarding abstract submission can be directed to Tamara P. Ford, 515.276.3344 or 800.369.6337; E-mail: tford@foodprotection.org Program Chairperson Faye J. Feldstein Deputy Director Office of Food Defense, Communication and Emergency Response Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Food and Drug Administration 5100 Paint Branch Parkway College Park, MD 20740, USA Phone: 301.436.1564 Cell: 240.375.3418 Fax: 301.436.2605 E-mail: Faye.Feldstein@fda.hhs.gov 804 FOOD PROTECTION TRENDS | NOVEMBER 2009