TABLE 2. Food safety knowledge survey questions and totals of participants who answered correctly (cont.) Food Handler Hygiene Q.19) What is the best way to keep hands clean in a food premises? * Wash hands with liquid soap and warm water frequently 162 82 Q.20) Handling food immediately after coughing and sneezing into hands is an example of:* * physical contamination * cross-contamination 180 91 Q.21) Bacteria can be transmitted to food by: * working while ill * improper hand washing * sneezing or coughing on food * all of the above 196 99 Q.22) What is the difference between cleaning and sanitizing? * Cleaning removes contamination and sanitizing kills pathogens 195 99 Q.23) The correct order to manually wash dishes is: * wash, rinse, sanitize 123 62 Q.24) Rodents seen in daylight in a food premises usually means: * there is a very large infestation 182 92 Q.25) A customer says they are having an allergic reaction to the food served; you should: * call for medical assistance immediately 188 95 Q.26) If a customer has a food allergy and asks for the ingredients of a pie, you should: * take the ingredient list to the customer 191 97 Q.27) Food-related allergic reactions: * are sometimes fatal * may cause difficulty breathing * are individual reactions * all of the above 193 98 Food premises sanitation (pest control, design, and maintenance) Prevention of food allergy reactions, incidents and response *Both listed multiple choice options were considered correct for this question. July/August Food Protection Trends 263