NOVEMBER/DECEMBER food protection trends 409 Thermal Processing Parameters to Ensure a 5-log Reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enterica, and Listeria monocytogenes in Acidified Tomato-based Foods features 392 The Cleanliness of Reusable Water Bottles: How Contamination Levels are Affected by Bottle Usage and Cleaning Behaviors of Bottle Owners 438 Beyond the Bio John Luchansky 403 Impact of Carcass Anatomical Location on the Microbiological Profile of Beef Trimmings 441 PDG Highlight Food Chemical Hazards and Food Allergy PDG 419 Experimental Evaluation of Performance of Sampling Techniques for Microbiological Quantification on Carcass Surfaces 534 Industry Products 430 Effect-based Analytics for Toxicological Screening - Concepts for Future Developments 544 Coming Events IAFP 2017 IN REVIEW 445 November/December Food Protection Trends 385