TABLE 5. Themed responses for participants' reasons for implemented changes to their food safety practices (or not); n = 16 Practice change category Pest control Yes/No (frequency) Yes - 6 (38%) No - 10 (62%) Yes - 2 (13%) Exterior grounds Construction and design of the facility No - 14 (87%) Yes - 2 (12.5%) No - 14 (86.5%) Personnel health and hygiene Yes - 5 (33%) No - 10 (67%) Sanitary facilities and control Yes - 4 (27%) No - 12 (73%) Equipment design, installation and maintenance Material management Reasons of changes brought in or changes not brought in Sealing of cracks in floor, ceiling, walls and front door (1) Training the employees about pest control (3) Maintaining a documented log of pest control (1) Hired a pest control company who can monitor pests monthly (2) Written a pest control program (1) Already compliant (6) Small home producer so no changes necessary (3) Cut down weeds next to the barn (1) Exterior of the building trimmed and treated to control weeds (1) Already compliant (11) No control over exterior of the building as it is a leased facility Have plans to review maintenance program to prevent cross-contamination Fitted new air condition to aid ventilation (2) Cleared clutters (1) Changed the zones arrangement to keep raw materials away from finished products (2) Changed the drain brushes as suggested in the course (1) Already compliant (12) Plan to review air flow and material flow in the facility (1) Building a new facility and keeping the suggestions given in the training (1) Follow more rigorous hygiene (3) More aware of personal health and hygiene practices (2) Started giving employee training and issuing appropriate clothing, protective equipment and footwear (1) Already compliant employees maintain log of their personal daily health (6) Plan to install a foot washing station Plan to update employee training based on the course and document (3) Implemented food safety zone awareness and improved sanitation suggested in the course (1) Updated sanitary log of the facility (2) Trash is removed everyday (1) Already compliant (11) Plans to put water purification system in the facility (1) Yes - 1 (7%) No - 15 (93%) Yes - 5 (33%) Already complaint in terms of having proper design, stainless steel and food grade plastic (14) Can't afford to have new equipment due to very small size of the business (1) Raw material program updated (1) Increased monitoring of raw material (2) No - 10 (67%) Continued on next page 288 Food Protection Trends May/June