2. Recommend scheduling future year's PDG meetings for the APFS PDG and the Low Water Activity Foods PDG to NOT occur concurrently. Board response: This will be taken into consideration when scheduling PDG meetings at IAFP 2023. 3. Recommend making it smoother for members to join this PDG. Many were confused on how to do that. Would those with badges scanned at the meeting join the PDG automatically? There is no " join " button from the IAFP Connect community link. The website for this PDG does not provide info on how to join as for other PDGs which is to " Edit profile. " Board response: IAFP staff will send a message to people who attended PDG meetings who are not members of the specific PDG to encourage them to join the PDG. Interested parties can always contact the IAFP office for assistance. 4. Recommend reaching out and fully engaging Canadian colleagues for the IAFP 2023 meeting in Toronto. Board response: Agreed. Applied Laboratory Methods PDG 1. Request to shift the IAFP Annual Meeting one day later (start PDG meetings on Monday). Board response: Contracts are already in place through 2026. The meeting schedule is set to limit the number of days away from your job responsibilities. 2. Consider options to change meeting format to allow more sessions. (This was out of frustrations that only about 50% of recommended sessions are accepted.) Board response: Many submissions are similar (duplicate or overlap) but there are many that can fit nicely into webinar presentations. Please consider presenting those not accepted as a webinar. 3. Sign antitrust as you collect your registration and badge. Or sign antitrust when you are scanned entering a PDG meeting. Board response: IAFP staff will work to incorporate this into the meeting registration process. 4. Make the IAFP Meeting App available for connection online (for easier reading and calendar planning). Board response: Unfortunately, the " online program " does not transfer information such as " selected sessions " to the Meeting App. IAFP staff will work to incorporate a message in the online program to alert users of this situation. Beverages and Acid/Acidified Foods PDG 1. Review the mission statement for Beverages and Acid/ Acidified Foods PDG to define the scope of products included in this PDG. Board response: The PDG may submit changes to your mission statement for the Board's review and approval. Dairy Quality and Safety PDG 1. Sarah Murphy recognized as the incoming Vice Chair. Board response: Agreed. Data Management and Analytics PDG 1. Would it be possible to ensure that the time for this PDG meeting does not overlap the time of several related PDGs, such as the Advanced Molecular Analytics, Food Safety Assessment and Audit, Microbial Modelling and Risk Analysis. Board response: This will be taken into consideration when scheduling PDG meetings at IAFP 2023. 2. Would it be possible for PDG Chairs to meet several times throughout the year (e.g., quarterly)? Board response: Agreed. PDG Chairs should meet 2 or 3 times per year in addition to meeting at the Annual Meeting. Developing Food Safety Professionals PDG 1. Appointment of Jill Stuber as Vice Chair of the Developing Food Safety Professionals PDG. Board response: Agreed. Food Chemical Hazards and Food Allergy PDG None. Food Defense PDG 1. Neal Fredrickson and Kristin Schill have been recognized and declared as Chair and Vice Chair of the Food Defense PDG. Board response: Agreed. Food Fraud PDG None. Food Hygiene and Sanitation PDG 1. Recommend a later time for our annual PDG meeting. Board response: This will be taken into consideration when scheduling PDG meetings at IAFP 2023. 2. Consider subsidizing the cost for attending a workshop to increase attendance. The current costs are prohibitive for some members. Board response: Registration fees for workshops are priced competitively when compared to other similar workshops. There may be an IAFP Foundation program to provide a reduced registration fee to those members in need of such support. Food Law PDG None. 552 Food Protection Trends November/December 79