Everyone Benefits When You Support The IAFP Foundation IAFP Foundation Programs Make a Difference Your financial support of the IAFP Foundation makes the following programs possible - programs that make a difference in the future of food science and food safety: ■ Student travel scholarships for IAFP's European Symposium on Food Safety ■ Travel support for speakers at IAFP's European Symposium on Food Safety ■ Shipment of the Journal of Food Protection and Food Protection Trends to countries with a developing economy through FAO Support Provided for IAFP's Annual Meeting: ■ Ivan Parkin Lecture ■ John H. Silliker Lecture Funded by Mérieux NutriSciences, Inc. ■ Travel Award for State or Provincial Health or Agricultural Department Employees ■ Travel Award for Food Safety Professionals in a Country with a Developing Economy ■ Student Travel Scholarships ■ Developing Scientist Student Competition ■ Undergraduate Student Competition ■ Speaker travel support Contribute today by calling 515.276.3344 or visting foodprotection.org 558 Food Protection Trends November/December IAFP Foundation Fund ad 3.2022.indd 1 3/31/22 8:02 AMhttp://www.foodprotection.org