PULSED LIGHT STERILIZATION MORE AFFORDABLETHAN EVER Hundreds of research studies have proven that Pulsed Light is a highly effective, chemical-free sterilization technology. However, cost has been an obstacle for many. Until Now! XENON's Compact Integrated Xenon Lamp (CIXL) is the fi rst Pulsed Light product that provides everything a user needs to incorporate the power of Pulsed Light technology into its operations - a pulsed xenon lamp, power supply and cooling - all housed in an elegant stainless steel case and powered by standard mains connection. If you're looking for an affordable way to disinfect surfaces of harmful pathogens and/or extend the shelf-life of food products, the XENON CIXL may be for you. We would love to discuss whether CIXL is a fi t for your application. Call XENON today at 800-936-6695 or visit us online at www.xenoncorp.com XENON CIXL The Pulsed Light solution for indoor surface disinfection. * Lowest cost Pulsed Light solution * Use alone or daisy chain multiple units * Operates on standard 110v/220v * Factory confi gured energy, pulse frequency & duration * FDA approved for treatment of food and food contact surfaces* * Easy to install & maintain * Pulsed UV Light in the production, processing and handling of food has been approved by the FDA (Code 21CFR179.41)http://www.xenoncorp.com