Agona Anatum Cerro Derby Dublin Hadar Heidelberg I 4,[5],12:i:Infantis Javiana Kentucky Montevideo Muenchen Muenster Newport Reading Schwarzengrund Typhimurium −5.88 −4.1 −2.32 −0.55 1.23 3.01 4.79 6.56 8.34 10.12 11.9 Supplemental Figure 1. NCBI organs and tissues post hoc hypothesis testing with adjusted Pearson residual plot for cattle. Bubble plot of varying degrees of overrepresentation (blue) and underrepresentation (red) in the NCBI data of various serovars in specific cattle organs and tissues. Agona Anatum Derby Dublin Enteritidis Heidelberg I 4,[5],12:i: Infantis Johannesburg Montevideo Muenchen Muenster Newport Reading Typhimurium −3.97 −2.7 −1.42 −0.14 1.13 2.41 3.69 4.96 6.24 7.51 8.79 Supplemental Figure 2. Top 10 Salmonella serovars from swine (NCBI) from 2015 to 2020. Line plot of Salmonella serovar trends over 6 years in swine from NCBI PD. 121 Food Protection Trends March/April Intestine Unspecified Tissue Lymph Node Lung Ears Kidney Liver Spleen Peritoneum Stomach Pericardium Rectum Oral Brain Pleura Fetus Nasal Skin Joint Lung Unspecified Tissue Intestine Lymph Node Liver Uterus Placenta Brain Ruminate Stomachs Spleen Blood Kidney Bone Marrow Umbilicus Heart Valve Nasal