Everyone Benefits When You Support The IAFP Foundation We live in a global economy and the way food is grown, processed, and handled can impact people around the world. Combine these issues with the complexity of protecting the food supply from food security threats and the challenges to food safety professionals seem overwhelming. However, with your support the IAFP Foundation can make an impact on these issues. Funds from the Foundation help to sponsor travel for deserving scientists from developing countries to our Annual Meeting, sponsor international workshops, distribute JFP and FPT journals to developing countries through FAO in Rome, and supports the future of food scientists through scholarships for students or funding for students to attend IAFP Annual Meetings. It is the goal of the Association to grow the IAFP Foundation to a self-sustaining level of greater than $1.0 million by 2010. With your generous support we can achieve that goal and provide additional programs in pursuit of our goal of Advancing Food Safety Worldwide®. Contribute today by calling 515.276.3344 or visiting www.foodprotection.org 120 — Program Bookhttp://www.foodprotection.org