Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 16

CONVENTIONAL CORN STINEÊ 9529 BRAND Cold Emergence Root STINEÊ 9724 BRAND Cold Emergence Root Stalk Stress Dry Down Test Weight PREMIUM GENETICS HYBRID SEED CORN Stalk Stress Dry Down Test Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Relative maturity 104 –106 days (2410 GDD) • Superior yielding conventional hybrid • Great emergence in cooler soils for faster starts and even stands • Medium plant height and ear placement • Works well in corn-on-corn situations • Good response to high fertility needs • Strong root and stalk system • Excellent choice for refuge acres • Good companion hybrid for Stine’s 9523VT3 and 9525VT3 • Adapted to maturity zones 4 – 6 • Relative maturity 110 –112 days (2570 GDD) • High yielding conventional hybrid • Excellent emergence in cooler soils • Great tolerance to Gray Leaf Spot • Outstanding excessive moisture stress tolerance • Rapid dry down for easier harvesting • Very good response to irrigation • Strong root and stalk systems with high test weight • Performs well in corn-on-corn situations • Good companion with Stine’s 9720YGCB, 9806 and 9806VT3 • Also available: 9724YGCB and 9724VT3 • Adapted to maturity zones 6 – 8 STINEÊ 9806 BRAND Cold Emergence Root Stalk Stress Dry Down Test Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Relative maturity 114 –116 days (2690 GDD) • High yielding conventional hybrid • Higher yielding and better standability than Stine 9803 types • Slightly wetter than Stine 9803 types • Excellent standability for full-season hybrid • Excellent disease package • Good companion with Stine’s 9803 types and 9724 types • Adapted to maturity zones 7 – 9 16

Stine Seed Catalog 2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Stine Seed Catalog 2010

Stine Seed Catalog 2010
Table of Contents
Stine Numbering System
Genuity™ YieldGard VT Triple PRO™ Corn
YieldGard VT Triple® Corn
Roundup Ready® Corn 2
YieldGard® Plus with Roundup Ready® Corn 2
YieldGard® Corn Borer with Roundup Ready® Corn 2
YieldGard® Corn Borer
Herculex® Xtra Corn
Herculex® I Corn
Agrisure® GT Corn
Conventional Corn
LibertyLink® Soybeans
Genuity™ Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans
Roundup Ready® Soybeans
Elite® Soybeans
Corn Maturity Zone Map & Soybean Planting Chart
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Stine Seed Catalog 2010
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Table of Contents
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Stine Numbering System
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Genuity™ YieldGard VT Triple PRO™ Corn
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - YieldGard VT Triple® Corn
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 6
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 7
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 8
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Roundup Ready® Corn 2
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - YieldGard® Plus with Roundup Ready® Corn 2
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 11
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - YieldGard® Corn Borer with Roundup Ready® Corn 2
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - YieldGard® Corn Borer
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Herculex® I Corn
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Agrisure® GT Corn
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Conventional Corn
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 17
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - LibertyLink® Soybeans
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 19
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 20
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 21
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 22
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Genuity™ Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 24
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 25
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 26
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 27
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 28
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 29
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 30
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 31
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Roundup Ready® Soybeans
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 33
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 34
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 35
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 36
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 37
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 38
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 39
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 40
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 41
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Elite® Soybeans
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 43
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 44
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 45
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Corn Maturity Zone Map & Soybean Planting Chart
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 47
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 48