Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 2

SMARTER Delivering on the Stine Has Yield promise means combining the industry’s best genetics with the latest, most sought-after traits and continuing to innovate with proprietary technology and best-in-class service. TAblE OF COnTEnTS Stine Numbering System 3 Smart Seed. Weather, market fluctuations, legislation, input prices… those and dozens of other factors can impact this season’s success. Your best defense against those factors? Smart decisions about the seeds you plant. Stine corn and soybean seed are engineered to deliver consistently high yields through superior genetics and industry-leading traits. That’s why Stine soybeans account for a substantial portion of the soybean genetics planted in the U.S. each year. And each year sees more and more farmers switching to the superior standability and yields of Stine corn. CORN Genuity™ YieldGard VT Triple PRO™ Corn 4 YieldGard VT Triple ® Corn 5 Roundup Ready® Corn 2 9 YieldGard® Plus with Roundup Ready® Corn 2 10 YieldGard® Corn Borer with Roundup Ready® Corn 2 12 YieldGard® Corn Borer 13 Herculex® I Corn 14 Herculex® Xtra Corn 14 Agrisure® GT Corn 15 Conventional Corn 16 SEED SOYBEANS LibertyLink® Soybeans 18 Genuity™ Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans 23 Roundup Ready® Soybeans 32 Elite® Soybeans 42 Corn Maturity Zone Map & Soybean Planting Chart 46 Smart Traits. Today’s successful farmers demand more than superior genetics. The seeds they plant must also contain the latest traits. At Stine, we work to combine the industry’s best high-performance genetics with the traits our farmer customers demand. All with one goal in mind — deliver the highest, most consistent, most profitable yields possible. FOR SMARTER FARMERS Smart Technology. In addition to Stine’s productive breeding programs, our biotech scientists are working with industry-leading techniques and proprietary technologies to design the future of farming. We’re also constantly innovating — experimenting with new techniques and practices designed to squeeze every ounce of potential from your fields. Smart Service. At Stine, we believe it’s not enough to put the industry’s highest yielding corn and soybean seed in the hands of our farmer customers. We feel it’s our responsibility to help our customers squeeze every bushel possible out of every acre. In addition to our knowledgeable sales staff, we assign an agronomist to assist each customer in making sound decisions on not only which seed to plant, but where, when and how. 2

Stine Seed Catalog 2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Stine Seed Catalog 2010

Stine Seed Catalog 2010
Table of Contents
Stine Numbering System
Genuity™ YieldGard VT Triple PRO™ Corn
YieldGard VT Triple® Corn
Roundup Ready® Corn 2
YieldGard® Plus with Roundup Ready® Corn 2
YieldGard® Corn Borer with Roundup Ready® Corn 2
YieldGard® Corn Borer
Herculex® Xtra Corn
Herculex® I Corn
Agrisure® GT Corn
Conventional Corn
LibertyLink® Soybeans
Genuity™ Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans
Roundup Ready® Soybeans
Elite® Soybeans
Corn Maturity Zone Map & Soybean Planting Chart
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Stine Seed Catalog 2010
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Table of Contents
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Stine Numbering System
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Genuity™ YieldGard VT Triple PRO™ Corn
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - YieldGard VT Triple® Corn
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 6
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 7
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 8
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Roundup Ready® Corn 2
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - YieldGard® Plus with Roundup Ready® Corn 2
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 11
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - YieldGard® Corn Borer with Roundup Ready® Corn 2
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - YieldGard® Corn Borer
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Herculex® I Corn
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Agrisure® GT Corn
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Conventional Corn
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 17
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - LibertyLink® Soybeans
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 19
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 20
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 21
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 22
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Genuity™ Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 24
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 25
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 26
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 27
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 28
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 29
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 30
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 31
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Roundup Ready® Soybeans
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 33
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 34
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 35
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 36
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 37
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 38
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 39
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 40
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 41
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Elite® Soybeans
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 43
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 44
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 45
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - Corn Maturity Zone Map & Soybean Planting Chart
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 47
Stine Seed Catalog 2010 - 48