Stine Seed Catalog 2011 - (Page 3)

sTine’s numbering sysTem and desCripTiOns reading The COrn numbers guide TO COrn desCripTiOns Maturity: Maturity expressed in range of days Growing degree days (G.D.D.): Growing degree days expressed as a value Minnesota Maturity (MN Maturity): Maturity expressed as a specific value Height: Short, Medium, Tall Ear Placement: Medium, Tall Ear Flex: Length, Girth The following are rated from Excellent to Not Recommended based on the scale below: Dry Down Stalk Cold Emergence Irrigation Eye Spot SC Leaf Blight Anthracnose E VG G AV NR Excellent Very Good Good Average Not Recommended Root Stress Test Weight Gray Leaf Spot NC Leaf Blight Stewart’s Wilt 9528VT3Pro Denotes traits: RR = Roundup Ready® Corn 2 HX = Herculex® I SS = Genuity™ SmartStax VT3 = YieldGard VT Triple® VT3Pro = Genuity™ VT Triple Pro™ “9” Denotes corn Second digit denotes relative maturity: 2 = 85-89 days 3 = 90-94 days 4 = 95-100 days 5 = 101-105 days 6 = 106-110 days 7 = 111-115 days reading The sOybean numbers Technology L = LibertyLink® R = GenuityTM Roundup Ready 2 Yield® guide TO sOybean desCripTiOns Maturity Height: Short, Moderately Short, Medium, Moderately Tall, Tall The following traits are rated from Excellent to Not Recommended based on the scale below: Emergence Standability Phytophthora Root Rot (PRR) Brown Stem Rot (BSR) Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC) Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) Sclerotinia White Mold (SWM) E VG G AV NR Excellent Very Good Good Average Not Recommended 37L A 02 Denotes Maturity LibertyLink and GenuityTM Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans ® Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN): Susceptible, Moderate Susceptibility, Moderate Resistance, Resistance Stem Canker: Susceptible, Moderate Susceptibility, Moderate Resistance, Resistance Frogeye Leafspot: Susceptible, Moderate Susceptibility, Moderate Resistance, Resistance Denotes special traits: 1 = Brown Stem Rot 2 = Soybean Cyst Nematode 3 = Phytophthora Root Rot 4 = Roundup Ready® 6 = Iron Deficiency Chlorosis 8 = Exceptionally High Yields 9 = Specialty Traits 1932-4 Roundup Ready® Soybeans 3

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Stine Seed Catalog 2011

Stine Seed Catalog 2011
Stine Numbering System
Genuity™ SmartStax™ Corn
Genuity™ YieldGard VT Triple PRO™ Corn
YieldGard VT Triple® Corn
Roundup Ready® Corn 2
Herculex® I Corn
Conventional Corn
LibertyLink® Soybeans
Genuity™ Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans
Roundup Ready® Soybeans
Corn Maturity Zones Map & Soybean Planting Chart

Stine Seed Catalog 2011