Stine Seed Catalog 2012 - (Page Cover2)

YOUR FIELD, YOUR CHOICE. Table Of COnTenTs Stine® Numbering System ................................................ 3 CORN Genuity® YieldGard VT Triple PRO™ Corn ...................... 4 Agrisure® 3000GT Corn .................................................. 8 YieldGard VT Triple® Corn ............................................... 9 Agrisure® GT/CB/LL Corn .............................................. 10 Herculex® I Corn ........................................................... 10 Roundup Ready® Corn 2 .............................................. 11 Conventional Corn ....................................................... 13 SOYBEANS LibertyLink® Soybeans .................................................. 16 Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans ............... 27 Roundup Ready® Soybeans .......................................... 34 Corn Maturity Zones Map and Soybean Planting Chart........................................... 38 You have a choice; your farm has a choice. Standard options for seeds no longer exist. Today’s fields demand seeds that can handle the elements and still deliver a , strong yield. We give you that choice. At Stine® we pride ourselves on engineering the optimum family of seeds that will work in harmony with your field, farm and the conditions that you face each planting season. Stine® genetics and breeding programs have created industry-leading soybean varieties and high-performance corn hybrids that will work with your field and not against it. We understand that all of the technology and genetics mean nothing if we aren’t providing our farmers with a seed that is complimentary to their field. That’s why Stine® is committed to deliver you options that enable you, the farmer, to make the tailored choice that your farm demands. Because Stine® is committed to providing our customers with choice, we want to be present and ready if you ever need any guidance. Through our network of regional agronomists and district sales managers, we are always available to answer questions and to provide assistance in any way possible. By giving you the information in a clear and straightforward manner, you are able to plant the best seed for your farm. Through that constant effort, you will get the most out of your land. That’s what Stine® promises and that is why Stine® has yield. sTIneseeD.COM http://www.STINESEED.COM

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Stine Seed Catalog 2012

Stine Seed Catalog 2012
Table of Contents
Stine® Numbering System
Genuity® YieldGard VT Triple PRO™ Corn
Agrisure® 3000GT Corn
YieldGard VT Triple® Corn
Agrisure® GT/CB/LL Corn
Herculex® I Corn
Roundup Ready® Corn 2
Conventional Corn
LibertyLink® Soybeans
Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans
Roundup Ready® Soybeans
Corn Maturity Zones Map and Soybean Planting Chart

Stine Seed Catalog 2012