PRE REMIU MIUM MIU M GEN CS GENETICS S Stine's 2021 corn lineup features not only the highest-yielding genetics, but also the industry's best trait packages for weed control, insect protection and disease resistance. Stine has a broad lineup of hybrids in a variety of maturities, ensuring growers have the best options for their field types and growing environments. Designated HP Corn® genetics provide maximum returns in higher populations. Refer to product labeling or consult your seed dealer. STINE ® STINE 9002-0 BRAND ® STINE 9101-G ® 9140-G BRAND BRAND Cold Emergence Cold Emergence Cold Emergence Root Root Root Stalk Stalk Stalk Stress Stress Stress Drydown Drydown Drydown Test Weight Test Weight Test Weight SEED CORN PREMIUM GENETICS 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 HYBRID 5 6 7 8 9 SEED DC CORN Stine has access to top-tier genetics through our collaborations with the industry's leading breeding programs. We test more genetically unique lines of corn than anyone else in the industry, which allows us to bring newer and higher-yielding conventional and traited corn products to market faster and more efficiently than our competitors. HYB YBRI BRID 2 021 SEED CORN LINEUP * 77-79 days relative maturity (1950 GDD) * High-yielding conventional genetics * Excellent emergence with late-season stalk strength * Plant on productive soils as a full-season hybrid 5: Below Average * 83-85 days relative maturity (2100 GDD) * Glyphosate tolerant * Superior performance in variable tougher fields * Strong emergence in no-till situations * Excellent roots and stalks * Strongest performance in the West 6: Average 7: Good 8: Very Good * 81-83 days relative maturity (2060 GDD) * Glyphosate tolerant * Early-flowering hybrid with outstanding yield for maturity * Impressive plant health * Very good stalk strength * Excellent northern adaptation 9: Excellent ® STINE CORN 3