STINE STINE ® STINE ® 9436-11 BRAND 9434-11 BRAND ® 9437-0 BRAND Cold Emergence Cold Emergence Cold Emergence Root Root Root Stalk Stalk Stalk Stress Stress Stress Drydown Drydown Drydown Test Weight Test Weight Test Weight 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 SEED CORN PREMIUM GENETICS HYBRID 5 6 7 8 9 * 98-100 days relative maturity (2460 GDD) * Above-ground and below-ground insect protection * Glyphosate tolerant. Do not spray this product with glufosinate herbicide. * Excellent choice for higher populations * Medium plant height adapts well to any row configuration * Performs well in variable soil types * 100-102 days relative maturity (2500 GDD) * Above-ground and below-ground insect protection * Glyphosate and glufosinate tolerant * Broadly adapted west to east * Taller hybrid with great silage appeal * Plant on your higher-producing soils * 94-96 days relative maturity (2375 GDD) * Stine® conventional genetics * Short plant height with medium ear placement * Excellent choice for narrow row configurations * Performs well in variable soil types STINE STINE STINE ® 9437-G ® 9437-10 BRAND ® 9438-0 BRAND BRAND Cold Emergence Cold Emergence Cold Emergence Root Root Root Stalk Stalk Stalk Stress Stress Stress Drydown Drydown Drydown Test Weight Test Weight Test Weight 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 * NEW IN 2021 * 94-96 days relative maturity (2375 GDD) * Glyphosate tolerant * High ear placement relative to plant height * Excellent choice for narrow row configurations * Performs well in variable soil types * 94-96 days relative maturity (2375 GDD) * Above-ground insect protection * Glyphosate and glufosinate tolerant * High ear placement relative to plant height * Very good protection from Eyespot & Goss' Wilt SEED CORN PREMIUM GENETICS HYBRID 5 6 7 8 9 * 95-97 days relative maturity (2390 GDD) * Stine® conventional genetics * Works well in all row configurations * Taller plant type with good ear placement * Very good protection against leaf diseases STINE CORN ® 5