STINE STINE ® 49M02 BRAND ® 51N20 BRAND Emergence Emergence Standability Standability Phytophthora Phytophthora Sudden Death Syndrome NR AV G VG E * 49 maturity * Very good emergence and strong standability * Rps1a Phytophthora Root Rot resistance * SCN and Stem Canker resistant * Very good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance * Salt includer * Very good metribuzin tolerance * Medium plant height NR AV G VG E * NEW IN 2021 * 51 maturity * Very good emergence * Very good Phytophthora Root Rot resistance * SCN and Stem Canker resistant * Salt includer * Average metribuzin tolerance * Medium to taller-than-average plant height * Yielded 104.3% of trial average in Stine's Elite Yield Trials research Stine has more than five decades of research behind the best seed in the industry. STINE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. STINE HAS YIELD. STINE SOYBEANS 59 ®