Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 12

harry h. sTine tHE namE Harry H. StinE iS SynonymouS witH many titlES - innovator, buSinESSman, EntrEprEnEur – but tHE titlE Holding tHE moSt SignificancE to Him and tHoSE wHo know Him wEll iS tHat of farmEr. Raised on a farm in Dallas County, Iowa, Harry graduated from Central Dallas High School and then McPherson College in Kansas. In 1964, he joined his father’s soybean cleaning business back in Adel, Iowa. The consummate researcher, Harry’s interest in seed breeding started when he found some unusual soybean plants in one of their seed fields. He recognized the value and additional profit opportunities that breeding, developing and growing newer, higheryielding soybean varieties would have for his company, as well as his farmer-customers. While yield checking the soybean lines, he came to understand what a conventional breeding program could bring to the soybean industry and to growers. While soybean breeding was previously only done by universities, Harry Stine joined with four other seedsmen to form Improved Variety Research, the first private soybean research and development company in the United States. In 1973, IVR was dissolved and Harry and head plant breeder Bill Eby formed Midwest Oilseeds, which today is still the soybean genetics licensing company of choice in the United States. Interest in corn breeding and genetics inspired Harry to form Eden Enterprises with Bill Eby in the early 80s. P 12

Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed

Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed
The Early Years
1979 and early 80s
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Cover2
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Contents
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - The Early Years
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 3
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 4
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 5
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 6
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 1979 and early 80s
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 8
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 9
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 10
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 1984-1990
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 12
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 13
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 14
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 15
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 16
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 17
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 18
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 1991-1999
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 20
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 21
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 22
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 2000s
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 24
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 25
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 26
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 27
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 28
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 29
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Future
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 31
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - 32
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Cover3
Stine - 30 Years of Performance Seed - Cover4