CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2019 - 9
PhD | Assistant Professor
Dr. Reeder conducts informatics research to connect
the contexts of personal health and public health with a focus on three areas:
aging in place, organizational information systems and research tools. Reeder's
latest research titled "Older Women's Perceptions of Wearable and Smart Home
Activity Sensors" was published in Informatics for Health and Social Care. "Our
findings that younger, more active older adult women prefer wearable sensors
for themselves and smart home sensors for their parents is important to tailoring
technology research for independent aging," said Reeder.
Welton, PhD, RN, FAAN, and Co-Investigators Marcelo
Coca Perraillon, PhD, an assistant professor in the
Department of Health, Systems, Management & Policy
in the Colorado SPH and Peggy Jenkins, PhD, RN, assistant professor in the College of Nursing. Their study
focuses on developing a database warehouse called the
Nursing Value Research Data Warehouse (NVRDW) that
collects data for each nurse caring for each patient
during hospitalization.
The PI for the study, Welton, said, "This is the largest
database of its kind to date detailing the overall care
delivered by individual nurses and provides exciting
potential to better understand the factors leading to
better hospital outcomes of care."
The NVRDW is a large "pool" of data collected from
various sources within multiple organizations that
can be used to improve patient outcomes or transform health-care systems and deliver quality care to
patients. Additionally, it can be used by researchers as
a resource to create innovative strategies that improve
patient outcomes.
One of the products from the D2V study is the creation
of a consortium of three schools of nursing including the
University of Kansas and University of Minnesota to share
expertise to collect Big Data across multiple institutions in
the future and leverage the expertise developed from the
D2V project to improve the quality of care and optimizing
nursing care to lower health care costs.
"There is a distinct purpose for data stored in the
warehouse, such as research or reporting to improve
patient outcomes or transform health-care systems,"
said Jenkins. "Because so much data are collected
in health-care settings, it is important to resource
teams working to standardize the data so it can be
compared and used to inform innovation."
Spring/Summer 2019
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2019
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2019
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2019 - Cover1
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CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2019 - Cover4