CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - Cover4
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Hagedorn, a documentary filmmaker, and principal of Seedworks Films
contacted Dean Elias Provencio-Vasquez, PhD, RN, and proposed the
idea mid-March.
The Dean jumped on the idea, "I loved the concept of bringing people
together to discuss what makes this College great, and also provide our
community with the opportunity to connect during this period of isolation."
CU Nursing Hosts
First-Ever Virtual
Film Festival
he nationwide novel coronavirus pandemic was the
impetus for CU Nursing's Virtual Film Festival and
"Fireside chat." The Festival was the brainchild of
alumna and former faculty member Sue Hagedorn
(PhD '95). "Our initial thought was to offer up three to four
documentaries for participants to watch and then come
back once a week to discuss," said Hagedorn.
Similar to a book club, participants were encouraged to
watch the videos the week before the live chat, scheduled
for Sunday afternoons via Zoom.
CU College of Nursing | Spring/Summer 2020
With assistance from marketing, alumni relations, human resources, and
advancement, the Festival came together very quickly with the first film
"A Legacy of Innovation: A History of the University of Colorado College
of Nursing" and chat occurring April 5. Dr. Hagedorn guest hosted and
was joined by special guests and former Dean and Living Legend Jean
Watson, PhD, (BSN '64, MS '66) and Ginny Pepper (BSN '68, PhD '85).
The documentary highlighted many firsts of the College including the
invention of the Nurse Practitioner Program, the CU Center for Human
Caring and Watson's Caring Science Theory, as well as nurse-led clinics.
The second film showcased nursing superstar Loretta Ford, EdD, who
joined us via Zoom from her home in Florida. The third highlighted
Advance Practice Nurses in Colorado with special guests Karen Zink (MS
'87) and Dixie Melton (MS '88).
"It's seldom that you get the chance to talk with people who are recognized as giants in nursing," said Hagedorn. The chats were a treat for
many including Lily Bultema, CNM, WHNP ('09), "This film series is
inspiring me to consider a DNP (I'm 60!)... these women are so amazing!!"
Bringing together more than 35 participants, the chats provided alumni,
faculty, retired faculty, students and staff the ability to connect on an
entirely different level than ever before.
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - Cover1
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 2
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 3
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 4
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 5
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 6
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 7
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 8
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 9
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 10
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 11
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 12
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 13
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 14
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 15
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CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 17
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 18
CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - 19
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CU Nursing - Spring/Summer 2020 - Cover4