Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010 - 3

g r a d u at i o n 2 0 1 0

Underwater fantasies


o-owning a dive company with her husband in Hawaii has made Patricia O’Neal’s dreams a reality. By work week she is a pharmacist. By weekend she instructs students in underwater photography. A self-described “life long learner” Pat became SCUBA recertified in 1997 while on vacation in Hawaii with her husband. Within two years they had moved from Oregon to the Big Island and set up shop – she, working for a home infusion company and eventually a hospital, and he as a certified dive instructor. During that time, they bought a boat and fell in love with underwater photography. “There’s nothing like taking photos under water to sharpen your skills. You have to understand science and the physics behind shooting under water, which is something you don’t necessarily consider on dry land.” She firmly believes that her undergraduate degree and pharmacy background have helped her become a better photographer. And in turn, the photography helped her achieve a balance in her personal and professional life. “Because of my profession, I spend so much time left-brain focused – using the analytical side of my brain – that I find I need to recharge the right side and photography helps do that.” Her underwater teaching experience has opened a world of career possibilities. “I’ve been a pharmacist for 30 years and in the last couple of years have discovered that I really enjoy teaching. So, I decided to obtain a doctorate with the intent of teaching pharmacy at a university.” So, she enrolled in the nontraditional PharmD program. Her number one reason for an online program was that there would be no requirement to ever physically show up at school. “The second reason for selecting the program was the guarantee that they would make the experiential program happen wherever I was, and they did,” says Pat. Combining her love of learning and teaching with her passion for creativity will help Pat achieve chi on land or under water.

Not your typical athlete
At 6’ 1” Mia Ajekwu Bassaragh stands taller than most of her classmates. Throughout her life, height has been an advantage and one that she’s learned to embrace. She started playing basketball at age 13 and eventually earned a scholarship to the University of North Texas to play ball for the Mean Green. She spent three years at North Texas completing her pharmacy pre-requisites (with a focus on chemistry). Being part of collegiate sports helped Mia learn to balance her time. “You don’t have time to fool around when you’re on a team. I grabbed any extra time I had – on the bus, going to a game, in between practices – to study. This really helped me learn to manage my time, which has come in handy during pharmacy school since it is quite demanding,” says Mia. Despite the rigorous nature of the program, Mia says it’s exactly what she expected. “What you put in is what you get out.” Always interested in science, Mia discovered her passion for health care at a young age. Her first job at an Eckerd Drug in Houston peaked her interest in pharmacy. Then, while still in college, she squeezed volunteering at area nursing homes into her busy schedule. “I have a compassionate heart for the elderly.” During her four years at the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy, she has continued her focus on seniors and has found her niche. Hoping to specialize in geriatric pharmacy, Mia says, “We’re all going to get there one day, and I hope someone will be there for me when I do.”

Susan Johanson Freddy Kaniki Diana Lehman Sarina Lopez Lori Marotta Michele Medina

Stephen Michaud Patricia O’Neal James Patterson Anjana Sengar Rise Simon Michelle Southern

Barbara Thomas Stacia Wilhelm Mu Lien (Sharon) Wu Sharon Yeung-Yim

“You	don’t	have	time	to	fool	around	 when	you’re	on	a	team.	I	grabbed	any	 extra	time	I	had	–	on	the	bus,	going	to	a	 game,	in	between	practices	–	to	study.	 This	really	helped	me	learn	to	manage	 my	time	during	pharmacy	school.”
Spring 2010



Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010

Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010
Coming to America
Not Your Typical Athlete
Motivated by Mentors
Second Career Helps Brady Soar
Alumni Association
Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010 - Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010
Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010 - Coming to America
Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010 - Not Your Typical Athlete
Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010 - 4
Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010 - 5
Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010 - Motivated by Mentors
Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010 - Second Career Helps Brady Soar
Pharmacy Perspectives - Graduation 2010 - Alumni Association