Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - 9

Announcing the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy Alumni Association
Did	you	know	that	in	the	1970s	alumni	attempted	to	organize	the	first-ever	 alumni	association	for	the	School	of	Pharmacy?	Well,	thirty	years	later,	an	official	 association	has	been	created.	The	association	began	with	the	Class	of	2008.	In		 December	of	last	year,	a	volunteer	alumni	board	–	comprised	of	five	current		 students	and	13	SOP	alums	–	met	and	began	formulating	an	association. In	the	few	months	the	board	has	met,	members	have	been	hard	at	work	determining	goals,	membership	benefits	and	fees,	crafting	and	ratifying	bylaws,	and	electing	officers.	On	February	23,	2010,	the	board	ratified	the	bylaws	and	elected		 four	graduates	of	the	school	as	officers.	And	voilà,	the	University	of	Colorado	 School	of	Pharmacy	Alumni	Association	was	born.

Join	us	today
Just	complete	the	membership	form	and		 either	fax	or	mail	with	payment	to: University	of	Colorado	 School	of	Pharmacy	Alumni	Association	 12631	E.	17th	Avenue,	L15-C238	 Aurora,	CO		80045	 Fax	303.724.2637 For	more	information	on	the	association,	e-mail	or	call	Dana	Brandorff,	 director	of	communication	and	alumni	affairs,	dana.brandorff@ucdenver. edu	or	303.724.4618
Personal Information (please print)

Why join?If	you’ve	ever	wanted	to	stay	in	touch	with	your	classmates	and	other	graduates,	 help	the	school	recruit	the	best	and	brightest	students	to	its	programs,	be		 recognized	for	your	accomplishments,	mentor	and	lend	aid	to	students	enrolled		 in	the	school’s	programs,	then	this	is	the	organization	for	you.	

Name:________________________________________________________	 Maiden	Name:_________________________________________________ Degree:_____________________________________	Year:______________ Street:_________________________________________________________ City:__________________________	State:_______	ZIP	Code:___________	 Phone	No.:_____________________Cell	Phone	No.:___________________ E-mail	Address:_________________________________________________

Tangible benefits include:
♦ Networking	opportunities	via	in-person	events ♦ Discounts	on	university-sponsored	events	(Denver	Zoo	Lights,	National	Western	

Stock	Show,	Denver	Botanic	Gardens,	Caribbean	Cruise)
♦ Opportunity	to	attend	continuing	education	workshops/courses	at	a	reduced	fee ♦ Access	to	career	counseling	and	workshops	(minimal	additional	fee) ♦ Keeping	apprised	of	the	school	via	bi-monthly	e-newsletter	 ♦ Free	subscription	to	Pharmacy Perspectives	(fall/spring) ♦ SOP	lapel	pin ♦ Discounts	on	insurance	rates	(GEICO) ♦ Access	to	SOP	branded	merchandise	at	discounted	rates ♦ CU	license	plates	(donation	to	CU	scholarship	fund,	

$______	Annual	or	Lifetime
Student – Free New Professionals (within 1st three years post graduation)	-	free Professional (4th	year	post	graduation	and	beyond)	-	$100	annual	fee	 Lifetime $300	($250 if purchased within the first year after graduation

from the SOP; $300 for anyone who pays after the first year post graduation) $______	Donation	for	scholarships 	$_______	Total	Payment

plus	county	fee)
♦ Random	online	giveaways	of	university	and	School	of	

Pharmacy	branded	apparel
♦ Job	postings	on	website

Check	enclosed	 (Please make checks payable to UC SOP Alumni Association) Please	charge	my	credit	card:			 Visa				 MasterCard				 American	Express				 Discover

Membership	is	free	to	students	and	new	professionals	who	apply	for	membership	 within	the	first	three	years	post	graduation	from	the	School	of	Pharmacy.	The	annual	member	rate	is	$100.	A	lifetime	membership	is	$300.	A	discount	of	$50	off	 the	lifetime	membership	is	provided	to	those	graduates	who	sign	up	within	the	 first	year	after	graduation	from	the	school	of	pharmacy. The	association	is	open	for	membership	to	School	of	Pharmacy	alumni,	students	 currently	enrolled	in	the	program,	former	and	present	full-time	faculty,	and	friends	 of	the	program.

Card	Number:__________________________________________________ Expiration:________/________ Signature:_____________________________________________________ If	you	have	questions,	please	contact	our	office	at:		 303.724.4618								fax:	303.724.2637						e-mail:

Spring 2010



Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010

Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010
Learning Through Service
Community Service
On-the-Job Training
A Tribute
Alumni News
Perceptor Profiles
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - Learning Through Service
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - 2
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - Community Service
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - 4
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - On-the-Job Training
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - 6
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - A Tribute
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - 8
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - Alumni News
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - 10
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - Perceptor Profiles
Pharmacy Perspectives - Spring 2010 - Cover4