Clockwise from left: The day President Bradley moved to campus, jubilant greeters welcomed her in front of Main. The Vassar community welcomed her so warmly that she was eager to return the favor by making sure her door is always open. A selfie moment with the Prez. The strong connection between Bradley and students was forged early, in no small part due to her hospitality and instinct for bringing people together. A snowstorm can turn into an impromptu hot cocoa klatch, a weeknight may bring a casual dinner- there is always a reason to stop by the house. The vibrant social life on campus often spills over into the president's dining room. Such events bring together students from across disciplines. Visitors are surprised when Bradley encourages them to go anywhere they want in the President's House-from the bedrooms to the laundry room. Exploring the historic house is just part of the fun. A dedicated crew worked to repair and refurbish the President's House in record time. Alumnus Edmund Hollander '76 designed the landscaping surrounding the house. Bradley shares a playful moment with students before heading out to her Inauguration. VA S S A r Q U A r T E r LY 11