SOcial MObility NatiONal UNiverSitieS †† Due to an error in compiling the 2012 Washington Monthly college rankings, Clarkson University did not receive credit for the number of its graduates who earn PhDs. Clarkson should have been ranked 115th overall among National Universities, not 131st. Had the correct data been included in the original rankings, some institutions would have received a slightly different rank. But because in most cases the difference would be only one ordinal position, and because the error was discovered only after the print issue of the magazine was mailed, we have chosen not to redo the entire rankings. We regret the error. reSearch Service 75 76 77 79 81 83 85 Northwestern University (IL) Emory University (GA) New York University (NY) 53.6 53.3 53.3 53.2 53.1 52.5 52.4 52.2 52.1 51.9 51.9 51.8 51.7 51.6 51.6 51.5 51.4 51.2 51.2 51.0 50.9 50.9 50.8 50.8 50.8 50.7 50.5 50.4 50.4 50.1 50.1 50.0 49.9 49.8 49.2 48.9 48.8 48.8 48.6 48.4 48.1 48.0 47.8 47.6 12 21 22 25 12 64 32 43 18 18 27 11 62 20 40 34 26 45 13 34 56 28 18 14 33 13 22 40 15 15 12 24 17 14 27 34 15 45 15 18 29 33 94 29 20 14 98/94 91/89 89/86 52/60 93/93 39/41 58/68 67/69 72/69 70/71 75/77 81/70 38/33 81/80 53/53 48/52 58/59 46/48 91/96 71/65 31/31 55/58 79/81 73/85 51/47 88/82 71/77 42/45 85/89 65/68 82/81 63/64 75/77 81/79 61/63 49/43 80/78 66/55 72/70 70/68 62/69 42/41 84/83 59/61 76/80 78 University of Arizona (AZ)* Georgetown University (DC) 80 Florida Agricultural & Mechanical Univ. (FL)* 52.6 Adelphi University (NY) 82 Howard University (DC) University of Missouri–Columbia (MO)* 84 Indiana University–Bloomington (IN)* Rutgers University–New Brunswick (NJ)* 86 Tulane University of Louisiana (LA) 87 Tennessee State University (TN)* 88 Fordham University (NY) 89 Univ. of North Carolina–Greensboro (NC)* 90 Western Michigan University (MI)* 91 93 West Virginia University (WV)* 92 Georgia State University (GA)* Brown University (RI) 94 Stony Brook University (NY)* 95 Wayne State University (MI)* 96 Mississippi State University (MS)* 97 Marquette University (WI) 98 Pennsylvania State University–Main (PA)* 99 University of West Florida (FL)* 100 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) 101 University of Vermont (VT)* 102 New Mexico State University–Main (NM)* 103 Wake Forest University (NC) 104 University of Colorado–Boulder (CO)* 106 University of Central Florida (FL)* 107 Clark University (MA) 108 American University (DC) 109 University of Oklahoma–Norman (OK)* 110 University of Montana (MT)* 111 University of Pittsburgh–Pittsburgh (PA)* 112 Polytech. Institute of New York Univ. (NY) 113 University of Iowa (IA)* 114 Univ. of South Carolina–Columbia (SC)* 115†† Clarkson University (NY) 115 University of Nevada–Las Vegas (NV)* 116 Walden University (MN)° 117 University of California–Irvine (CA)* 118 University of Kansas (KS)* 119 Miami University–Oxford (OH)* 105 University of Maryland–College Park (MD)* 50.3 10/NA 24970 180 12867 108 18848 170 22303 187 58 September/October 2012 nt s P % redic rece of te Pe d/a iving ll r ct eci ua Pell Ne G p ie l g tp nts rad rant r ic s , in rat eo eb com fa Co t te ing a s e d stnd ad SA on jus a Ts, ted nce etc gra . dr Re ate sea pe rch r fo ex rm pe an Ba nd ce ch itu ran e lo re s r’s k in to Sci mi Ph en llio Dr ce ns a a (ra Fac nd e nk nk ng ult ) ine ya er i wa Na ng t io r ds r a n Ph D s na k lA r an c ad k em ie s Pe a ce me mb Co r ps er s RO hip r an TC r an r an k k k % sp o f f en e d t o er n s al w er v o ice rk-s C (ra tud an o mm nk y f d h un ) un ou it y ds r s se s er r v ve i c e d r pa S an r t fin ervic k ic ip an e s c ia t a at i on l a ff, c id ou su p r s e s, po r t r an an d k 27919 263 24831 237 33286 269 12685 46 27078 243 7646 14 23355 163 16403 136 15202 165 10219 52 14776 117 26153 275 6145 6602 7469 12054 18 8 15 77 31383 256 13708 90 604 (25) 529 (31) 366 (47) 587 (28) 159 (96) 53 (156) 0 (250) 40 (171) 239 (72) 178 (90) 428 (39) 166 (93) 12 (213) 19 (199) 22 (195) 26 (190) 155 (99) 81 (134) 336 (56) 205 (83) 254 (69) 232 (75) 14 (210) 770 (13) 18 (204) 84 (132) 130 (108) 158 (97) 192 (87) 349 (55) 451 (35) 118 (113) 7 (226) 40 (172) 218 (80) 64 (147) 822 (10) 11 (217) 444 (36) 229 (77) 19 (202) 44 (166) 0 (252) 328 (58) 268 (68) 27 (189) 22 27 110 75 35 162 241 51 90 114 84 59 147 149 222 184 155 234 8 139 216 76 78 46 246 31 131 167 28 72 63 194 34 132 88 160 62 102 82 148 56 253 269 68 73 55 31 71 54 29 117 239 185 156 62 38 40 121 208 185 176 143 94 105 76 52 82 115 194 12 244 85 143 138 154 47 18 76 194 164 64 164 35 214 42 85 174 138 73 33 67 172 22 74 105 99 130 143 217 217 176 137 49 90 175 135 206 151 211 53 18 109 167 183 121 113 217 13 59 55 160 47 51 158 101 94 72 100 81 101 66 44 37 178 217 9 127 173 25 54 59 45 77 157 157 64 113 83 34 126 157 110 157 157 155 157 30 60 131 143 157 56 157 31 102 157 118 47 52 153 39 157 151 157 72 20 51 137 157 157 157 28 111 157 43 6 72 55 9 252 209 50 118 95 135 36 248 175 173 115 166 154 22 229 213 202 54 83 124 143 28 180 26 15 59 174 3 1 136 52 45 252 81 130 219 227 252 116 64 40 233 229 242 99 136 29 247 35 93 145 155 79 135 68 215 81 58 195 246 230 249 60 8 31 18 5 192 59 86 45 138 128 212 121 44 191 100 198 129 38 2 150 259 214 94 66 14 (150) 13 (159) 28 (42) 19 (103) 16 (125) 7 (260) 23 (63) 29 (34) 51 (3) 21 (81) 14 (147) 17 (115) 9 (231) 16 (122) 9 (242) 8 (252) 7 (259) 13 (168) 7 (264) 13 (158) 12 (195) 29 (40) 9 (245) 24 (54) 39 (13) 13 (175) 7 (261) 21 (78) 9 (226) 16 (135) 22 (70) 9 (235) 7 (266) 18 (111) 12 (182) 22 (66) 20 (89) 11 (202) 31 (30) 16 (134) 0 (271) 47 (5) 0 (271) 9 (228) 10 (217) 18 (106) 150 150 63 148 41 150 13 150 121 87 137 9 143 16 48 59 62 103 150 112 150 90 29 150 150 150 132 150 47 150 150 2 39 95 150 134 150 150 150 26 150 136 150 150 50 28 149 149 64 122 71 149 2 149 126 48 101 9 30 7 59 14 57 89 149 24 149 12 29 149 149 149 45 149 20 149 149 113 51 73 149 74 149 149 149 96 149 97 149 149 68 63 23077 188 11469 134 9035 12375 37 76 27714 229 19816 112 8427 12029 9656 50 47 27 32616 274 29885 233 18054 149 13282 123 12226 84 25639 218 28294 252 13622 98 12706 159 18935 200 16905 248 12839 118 14913 150 22398 174 8468 28 lS al er Ov % of s tu de cO re