liberal artS cOllegeS †† Due to an error in compiling the 2012 Washington Monthly college rankings, Colgate University did not receive credit for the number of its graduates who earn PhDs. Colgate should have been ranked 37th overall among National Universities, not 101st. Had the correct data been included in the original rankings, some institutions would have received a slightly different rank. But because in most cases the difference would be only one ordinal position, and because the error was discovered only after the print issue of the magazine was mailed, we have chosen not to redo the entire rankings. We regret the error. SOcial MObility reSearch Service nt s P % redic rece of te Pe d/a iving ll r ct eci ua Pell Ne G p ie l g tp nts rad rant r ic s , in rat eo eb com fa Co t te ing a s e d stnd ad SA on jus a Ts, ted nce etc gra . dr ate pe r fo R rm in esea an mi rch ce llio e ran xp ns e k (ra nd Ba nk i t u ch ) re e lo s r’s to Ph Dr an k Pe a ce Co r ps RO r an TC r an k k 3.18 (28) 0.00 (105) 0.00 (105) 0.00 (105) 0.00 (105) 2.85 (32) 1.88 (48) 3.25 (24) 0.78 (71) 0.00 (105) 0.51 (88) 1.57 (54) 2.79 (34) 0.00 (105) 0.94 (66) 3.19 (27) 7.86 (6) 0.00 (105) 0.71 (74) 7.70 (7) 0.62 (81) 5.73 (9) 0.00 (105) 2.75 (35) 0.34 (101) 8.43 (2) 0.00 (105) 0.00 (105) 0.41 (96) 0.35 (98) 1.43 (57) 0.00 (105) 2.63 (37) 39 111 74 49 70 35 26 171 34 25 27 46 23 64 96 45 104 95 123 44 90 59 71 99 103 118 36 173 19 82 145 77 35 113 131 198 77 60 34 89 198 79 2 72 21 24 198 66 106 36 86 179 50 79 23 119 26 108 4 62 99 180 73 70 11 109 44 67 55 183 43 96 8 90 132 169 178 53 18 118 118 118 35 117 73 12 118 118 112 118 86 107 118 37 118 5 118 100 74 102 48 8 118 111 118 63 26 11 118 118 66 118 118 118 105 118 40 82 118 118 90 101 103 32 33 35 36 37 39 41 43 45 47 Spelman College (GA) Emory and Henry College (VA) 55.7 55.3 55.3 54.9 54.9 54.8 54.6 54.1 53.3 53.0 52.8 52.5 52.3 51.7 51.3 51.1 50.9 50.6 50.5 50.4 50.3 50.3 50.0 50.0 49.9 49.3 49.1 49.0 48.9 48.5 48.3 48.1 48.0 47.8 47.8 47.8 47.5 47.4 47.4 47.1 47.1 47.1 47.0 47.0 47.0 46 39 44 45 15 11 39 76 22 26 22 17 18 65 22 6 13 44 36 16 47 17 28 10 39 16 22 43 69 20 28 8 14 24 29 13 39 37 9 9 19 13 44 27 10 54/73 26404 107 49/57 56/49 60/63 79/86 17913 12177 22102 56 45 114 9 (182) 11 (165) 19 (68) 12 (135) 22 (51) 36 (11) 34 (15) 14 (119) 23 (42) 15 (105) 30 (22) 8 (197) 23 (45) 17 (87) 14 (116) 40 (6) 27 (29) 18 (84) 14 (125) 13 (128) 14 (118) 16 (94) 23 (41) 14 (122) 0 (230) 20 (65) 29 (25) 12 (149) 0 (230) 21 (56) 26 (30) 21 (57) 13 (126) 28 (26) 8 (196) 12 (147) 9 (180) 10 (166) 11 (163) 18 (85) 22 (52) 12 (138) 12 (150) 21 (58) 22 (49) 34 Wesleyan College (GA) Hollins University (VA) Centre College (KY) 23922 161 37†† Colgate University (NY) Agnes Scott College (GA) 89/88 18988 110 69/68 19085 112 38/46 74/73 71/73 78/78 83/85 28/54 78/73 9034 7 25670 209 19921 106 26055 203 25557 187 7485 2 80 38 Claflin University (SC) Lawrence University (WI) 40 Earlham College (IN) Allegheny College (PA) 42 St. Olaf College (MN) Mount Holyoke College (MA) 87/82 23496 204 22917 196 44 Granite State College (NH)* Southwestern University (TX) 0.00 (105) 205 46 Washington and Lee University (VA) Hamilton College (NY) 90/93 18829 53/57 85/81 39/59 69/63 87/93 81/73 82/76 72/63 47/39 39/28 81/88 89/88 20146 132 23884 154 25821 227 19134 17625 20423 41 122 86 63/58 20289 164 48 Morehouse College (GA) 49 Oglethorpe University (GA) 50 Illinois Wesleyan University (IL) 51 52 53 55 56 57 59 61 63 Fisk University (TN) Denison University (OH) Westminster College (MO) 83/83 24904 192 0.00 (105) 126 54 Claremont McKenna College (CA) Thomas Aquinas College (CA) Lewis & Clark College (OR) Ohio Wesleyan University (OH) 18442 152 27403 238 23907 231 13732 12642 65 63 58 Judson College (AL) Dillard University (LA) 0.00 (105) 134 60 Wheaton College (IL) Central College (IA) 21850 108 66/64 20012 140 89/86 28476 235 82/79 70/75 74/74 61/68 71/63 86/92 85/87 23115 185 27898 198 20678 131 20015 17598 27173 77 137 181 62 Kenyon College (OH) Pitzer College (CA) 64 Hobart William Smith Colleges (NY) 65 Albion College (MI) 66 Bowdoin College (ME) 67 Hiram College (OH) 89/93 22467 136 0.00 (105) 105 0.00 (105) 124 5.46 (10) 0.67 (76) 3.35 (23) 3.77 (18) 14.86 (1) 0.00 (105) 2.29 (39) 62 24 42 73 187 55 28 68 Alma College (MI) 69 Bucknell University (PA) 70 Colorado College (CO) 71 72 73 74 75 Barnard College (NY) Franklin and Marshall College (PA) University of Hawaii–Hilo (HI)* William Jewell College (MO) Middlebury College (VT) 23792 165 89/88 24481 186 85/87 26983 205 29/33 71/65 91/91 7797 19414 5 153 21594 150 70 September/October 2012 % sp o f f en e d t o er n s al w er v o ice rk-s Co (ra tud nk y f an mm ) un d h un ds ou it y r s se s er r v ve i c e d r pa S an r t fin ervic k ic ip an e s at i c ia t a on l a ff, c id ou su p r s e s, po r t r an an d k 15 3 6 61 33 91 91 47 44 91 91 54 91 91 38 39 91 91 73 14 91 50 31 91 91 91 22 72 91 91 18 91 2 8 63 91 58 29 35 91 91 24 91 30 91 37 1 20 69 43 93 93 89 35 93 30 65 93 93 13 41 93 93 9 38 93 53 14 93 93 93 57 6 93 93 11 93 7 46 74 93 33 16 63 93 93 81 93 39 93 lS al % er Ov of s tu de cO re