Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 53

in the top thirty of the West rankings. Fully 60 percent
of students at fifth-ranked Cal State-Los Angeles are the
first in their families to attend college, one of the highest
rates in the country. Cal State deserves credit for showing a commitment to upward mobility across the system
and the state.
We only display the top fifty colleges in print. Online, we list the full 200-plus colleges per region. Toward
the bottom of those rankings, we find a mix of middling
public and private nonprofit colleges along with a number
of for-profit college chains. We railed against High Point
University last year for its incredibly high net price and
fancy amenities, but they get a partial pass this year for
donating $1 million to Bennett College to help it stay open
amid financial troubles. High Point is last in the Southeast this year (Bennett is 102nd), but they deserve kudos
for helping out a higher-performing college. Once again,
Baylor, Hofstra, Tulane, and Tulsa deserve raspberries for
finishing near the bottom of the rankings in spite of having national reputations and sizable endowments. They
can do better.
Robert Kelchen, an associate professor of higher education in the
Department of Education Leadership, Management, and Policy at
Seton Hall University, is data manager of the Washington Monthly
College Guide.

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Fredericksburg, VA

Washington Monthly


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Washington Monthly - September/October 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Washington Monthly - September/October 2019

Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - Cover1
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - Cover2
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 1
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 2
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 3
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 4
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 5
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 6
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 7
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 8
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - Contents
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 10
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 11
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 12
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 13
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 14
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 15
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 16
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 17
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 18
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 19
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 20
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 21
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 22
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 23
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 24
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 25
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 26
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 27
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 28
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 29
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 30
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 31
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 32
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 33
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 34
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 35
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 36
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 37
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 38
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 39
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 40
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 41
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 42
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 43
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 44
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 45
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 46
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 47
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 48
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 49
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 50
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 51
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 52
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 53
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 54
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 55
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 56
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 57
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 58
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 59
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 60
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 61
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 62
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 63
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 64
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 65
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 66
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 67
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 68
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 69
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 70
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 71
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 72
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 73
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 74
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 75
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 76
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 77
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 78
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 79
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 80
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 81
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 82
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 83
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 84
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 85
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 86
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 87
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 88
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 89
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 90
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 91
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 92
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 93
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 94
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 95
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 96
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 97
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 98
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 99
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 100
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 101
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 102
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 103
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 104
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 105
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 106
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 107
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 108
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 109
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 110
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 111
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 112
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 113
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 114
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 115
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 116
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 117
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 118
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 119
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - 120
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - Cover3
Washington Monthly - September/October 2019 - Cover4