Antenna Systems & Technology - Spring 2014 - (Page 4)

EDITOR'S CHOICE Cobham Releases Dual-Polar 'White Space' UHF Sector Antenna Cobham Antenna Systems, Microwave Antennas (Cobham) has developed a dualpolar UHF sector antenna for use in the 'White Space' frequency bands. This is the first product in a range of similar dual-polar base station antennas, which will soon be available from Cobham, in 2 GHz, 3 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Cobham's wideband SA11-90-0.6VH/2178 antenna provides both vertical and horizontal polarizations. In conjunction with radios, having two-port diversity, it can provide non-line-of-sight (NLOS) connectivity and reliable communications in challenging environmental conditions. The SA11-90-0.6VH/2178 antenna covers the entire frequency range 470 to 700 MHz, meaning that it can be used in situations where a number of channels are spaced widely apart. With fewer antennas needed, operators and installers will incur lower inventory and installation costs. The 'White Space' frequency band has been opened following the discontinuation of analog television transmissions in some countries. The available frequencies have been allocated for both licensed and unlicensed uses producing exciting opportunities in long distance communication. The UHF band is recognized for the ability to provide communications over large distances; across remote regions of land or sea; and good penetration in built-up areas. The band offers high data rates, making it well suited for M2M applications. Having high gain (11 dBi peak) and wide area coverage, with a 90° beamwidth the SA11-90-0.6VH/2178 antenna can be used stand-alone to provide sector coverage. Used in a configuration, four units are required to achieve 360° coverage. With appropriate power dividers and phase-matched cables, several antennas could also be stacked vertically, producing a narrower elevation beamwidth and increased gain. These are available from Cobham. Cobham has integrated both sets of the polarized elements within the same vertical aperture producing a compact, lightweight and rugged antenna. With a UV resistant radome it is designed for long term deployment. Having dimensions of 1,550 mm by 550 mm by 232 mm and approximate weight, including mounting kit, of 20 kg, this means shipping costs can be reduced and ease of installation increased. 4 Antenna Systems & Technology Spring 2014 Volume 17 / Issue 1 Editor & Publisher David Webster Director of Content Nick Depperschmidt Senior Editor Shannon Given Associate Editor Heather Williams News Editors Sue Hannebrink, Scott Nash Scott Webster, Robert Schaudt Advertising Sales and Marketing Robert Schaudt, Advertising Sales Manager Administration Marsha Grillo, Director Julie Williams, Office Manager Support Services/Circulation Marc Vang, Director Ross Webster, Data Entry Webmaster CJ Brewer Production Julie Hammond ANTENNA SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY (ISSN #1092-2553) is a publication of Webcom Communications Corp. Subscriptions for one year (bi-annually) are free to qualified recipients in the U.S., $44 for non qualified U.S. and $60 outside the U.S. Single copies are $20 each plus shipping. Back issues are available. Payment must be made in US funds in order to process the order. Direct all subscription inquiries, orders and address changes to Fulfillment Services. © Copyright 2014 Webcom Communications Corp. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Requests for permission should be directed to the customer service manager. Reprints: For reprint requests contact Webcom Communications at 720-528-3770. Webcom Communications Corp. 7355 E. Orchard Road, Ste. 100 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone 720-528-3770 Fax 720-528-3771

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Antenna Systems & Technology - Spring 2014

Editor’s Choice
What's So Exciting About the Future of M2M? Everything
Antenna Design for LTE Enabled Tablets
Recent Progress on Plasma Antennas
Guest Column: Don't Let Your Choice of Tool Hinder Your Cable and Antenna Testing
Short-Range Wireless
Software / System Design
Test & Measurement
Industry News

Antenna Systems & Technology - Spring 2014