Antenna Systems & Technology - Winter 2016 - (Page 18)

INDUSTRY NEWS Anite Joins 5G Research Project Anite has joined the 5Gto10G research project led by the Center for Wireless Communications at University of Oulu in Finland. Anite will contribute air-interface and channel emulation expertise to the research project alongside other leading industry organisations, including Huawei and Nokia. Wide channel bandwidths will become necessary in order to provide the very high data rates that 5G promises to deliver. Researchers are looking to deploy 5G technologies at higher frequencies where large contiguous blocks of spectrum are more easily available on a global basis. The project will help to progress research into 5G technologies by investigating the radio interface and performing radio channel measurements on frequencies around 10 GHz. Researchers are considering different candidate air-interface and radio access technologies for future 5G standards and early channel model research and development will be essential to understand the way radio waves propagate at various frequencies. In order to evaluate the technology and optimize the performance of next-generation networks and devices, it is critical to accurately simulate the protocol and radio conditions of potential 5G network environments. Several other universities and international research projects including METIS and Virtuoso have called upon Anite's wireless expertise and test solutions to progress their research into 5G. Earlier this year, Anite announced that the Anite-led task group within the METIS project finalized the world's first 5G radio channel models, which will help to accelerate the development of 5G radio access technologies and future mobile industry standards. Winner Announced for the 2015 FEKO Student Competition ShihTing-Yen Shih, a PhD student from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was announced the 2015 winner of the FEKO Student Competition. The contest, now in its 11th year, supports engineering education and academic excellence and is aimed at students interested in antennas, microwave devices, bio-electromagnetics, electromagnetic compatibility, and other electromagnetic related fields. The competition is an ideal opportunity for the students to showcase their work with FEKO, the electromagnetic solver of Altair HyperWorks. Entries for the competition this year were received from many countries, including Argentina, Belgium, South Africa, the USA and Australia. With Mr. Shih's winning entry, entitled "Design of Platform-Mounted HF Antennas with Enhanced Bandwidth Using the Characteristic Mode Configuration in FEKO", he successfully developed a method using the characteristic mode configuration in FEKO to systematically and efficiently approach the bandwidth limitation of a platform mode. This resulted in Shih achieving the bandwidths that stand-alone antennas were not able to achieve. "Many antennas working at the high frequency (HF) band tend to have significantly smaller dimensions than the wavelength at which they operate, and, therefore, suffer from narrow bandwidths. Since HF antennas are often mounted on metallic platforms that are physically larger than the antennas themselves, if the platform can be used as part of the antenna, the maximum linear dimension of the antenna can be increased, resulting in an enhanced bandwidth. Our goal was to design platform-mounted HF antennas with enhanced bandwidth using the characteristic mode configuration in FEKO," said Shih. "We were so impressed with the quality of entries that we decided to give out three honorable mentions in addition to the winning project, "said Matthias Goelke, Senior Director - Business Development Academic Markets. These were: Mahrukh Khan, PhD student from the University of Missouri, USA, Marno van Rooyen, a Masters student from the University of Pretoria, South Africa and Stanley Kuja, a Master student from Stellenbosch University, also in South Africa. The winning project along with the honorable mentions are available for download. Ting-Yen Shih will also be presenting an overview of his project via a webinar early in the New Year. For more information please visit the Altair University website. Details on the 2016 FEKO Student Competition will be announced in March 2016. 18 Antenna Systems & Technology Winter 2016

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Antenna Systems & Technology - Winter 2016

Editor’s Choice
Configurable Robotic Millimeter-Wave Antenna Facility
Bringing Live Events to the Television Screen
Software / System Design
Test & Measurement
Industry News
DAS Anywhere and Everywhere

Antenna Systems & Technology - Winter 2016