Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 14
Company Profiles
Battery Regulations: Where We Stand and Where We Go From Here
Rich Byczek, Global Technical Lead * Intertek
With the various country regulations involved in today's
battery market, along with the lack of a globally harmonized standard for batteries, manufacturers may ask, "What
is required of my products?" or "What standards must we
comply with to bring them to the market?"
To provide guidance on the regulatory landscape of
Rechargeable Energy Storage Systems (RESS), we examine the
standards currently in place, and the steps being taken to develop a globally harmonized standard to address the quality
and safety of cells, batteries and battery powered products.
UN 38.3
To ensure the safety of lithium-ion batteries and the surrounding environment during transport, UN 38.3, Edition 5.2
specifies the testing requirements which must be performed,
prior to any transportation, whether that would be by air,
rail, water or ground. These tests work to ensure that the
batteries do not have an adverse reaction to various conditions they may experience during transport. Although aimed
at the safe transportation of lithium-ion batteries, UN 38.3 is
separate from electrical safety regulations and is instead part
of the Dangerous Goods Regulations. A Sixth Revised Edition
of the standard will go into effect on January 1, 2017.
While UN 38.3 is globally harmonized, there are nuances
in certain markets that should be taken into account. China,
for instance, uses different enforcement of the standards with
different acceptance at different ports and airports, along with
issuing annual certificates of "airworthiness" and "seaworthiness" for li-ion batteries being transported in such a manner.
Small Batteries
For small batteries, IEC 62133 has been adopted in both
the US and Canada (as CSA E62133), however UL 1642
and UL 2054 still exist. It should be noted that the current CB Scheme does not accept UL 2054 as a valid battery
standard, so if a product is going to be distributed in the
international market, it is strongly recommended to follow
IEC 62133. If seeking entry into the US and Canada, either
UL 2054 OR IEC 61233 would apply.
There are also gaps between the IEC and UL standards
and how they aim to mitigate known risks. For instance,
there are minor details in the test parameters, which could
be easily harmonized. On the other hand, fault conditions,
though mandated in the US standards, are not part of international requirements. Additionally, there are also variations
in the temperature and forced internal short circuit testing
conducted to mitigate such risks.
Energy Storage/Large Format
In the emerging world of energy storage and large format
batteries, there are many new applications which require
Battery Power * Fall 2016
modified testing and evaluation.
These types of batteries rely
heavily on risk assessment and
functional safety, as opposed
to more prescriptive pass/fail
criteria. UL 1973 and IEC 62619
are currently on a path to harmonization for such products,
however there is less harmonization in the grid connected/
AC portions of energy storage and large format batteries.
Transportation Applications
Recent developments in the self-balancing scooter industry, such as hoverboards, are
subject to different regulations
than other more traditional
battery powered products,
which is driving the development of standards unique to
such products. These on-road
vehicle batteries are subject to
industry self-regulation, with very little government regulation on the batteries themselves.
UL 2272 is the new standard for the drive train, battery
and charger systems for hoverboards, to assess the known
risks associated with the devices. Electronic vehicles, as is the
case with other battery operated products currently have
competing standards in UN ECE R100 and the Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standards and Regulations from the National
Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA).
While many of the committees which develop these standards are comprised of the same individuals, there is some
differentiation in the stakeholders, which impacts the process
of battery standards being implemented. This, along with
the question of how to modify existing requirements to meet
the changing end product requirements has created challenges in developing a globally harmonized standard.
IEC 62133 2nd Edition does represent a first step towards global harmonization as it establishes a standard for
"The safety of Secondary Cells And Batteries Containing
Alkaline Or Other Non-Acid Electrolytes - Safety Requirements For Portable Sealed Secondary Cells, And For Batteries Made From Them, For Use In Portable Applications." A
second edition of the standard is currently in effect and is
already harmonized with UL 62133 in the US market, as well
as CSA E62133 for the Canadian market.
To ensure that your cells, batteries and battery powered
products are always tested and certified to the latest standards, it is important to stay apprised of regulatory updates
and changes so that your products stay at the cutting edge of
the industry and reach the market with speed and efficiency.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Battery Power - Fall 2016
Improving Lithium-Ion Battery for Future Energy Storage Needs
Protecting Lithium Batteries and Battery Packs from Runaway Thermal Events
Sorting Busbar Choices for Electric Vehicle Power Distribution
2016 Battery Power Resource Guide
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - Cover1
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - Cover2
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 3
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - Improving Lithium-Ion Battery for Future Energy Storage Needs
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 5
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 6
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 7
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - Protecting Lithium Batteries and Battery Packs from Runaway Thermal Events
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 9
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - Sorting Busbar Choices for Electric Vehicle Power Distribution
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 11
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 12
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 13
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 14
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 15
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 16
Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 17
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Battery Power - Fall 2016 - 2016 Battery Power Resource Guide
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